Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Johnny Depp; Your Man Of The Month

We don’t know how to put this delicately, so we’ll be blunt: Johnny Depp is really effing fit. We mean seriously fit. So fit he’s out of this stratosphere fit.  Those magnetic eyes, hypnotic gaze and his perfectly sculptured cheek bones, carved by the all mighty architect we call God.

Basically, Johnny Depp is so fit you lot saw right to vote him numero uno on the GG poll.  Thank YOU!

Kicking off his early acting career with 21 Jump Street, Johnny Depp was quickly catapulted into the mucky fame game and soon earned the status of teen idol. Unhappy with this branding and fearing a cluster of type cast roles, Depp set out to try his hand at more challenging, off-beat and kooky characters.

It was shortly after this, in 1990, that Depp landed the role of Edward in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands. Massive critical and main stream success followed and it jump started a plethora of quirky and rich acting roles for Depp including Ed Wood, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas and Sleepy Hollow.

Notice that 3 of the films listed in the paragraph above are also Tim Burton films? Good friends, Depp and Burton have collaborated on seven films in total, with the last being Alice In Wonderland. Producer Scott Rudin once said of the partnership, "Basically Johnny Depp is playing Tim Burton in all his movies”.

Burton aside, Depp has starred in a wide variety of films, from the gun tooting, western-esque, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, to the snuff snorting high jinx in Blow to wielding a butchers cleaver with deadly accuracy in Sweeny Todd, Johnny never fails to disappoint.  But it’s been his turn as rakish rogue pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow which really sealed Johnny’s mass appeal.

Like a fine wine, Depp’s just getting better with age - both aesthetically and theatrically - and we’re looking forward to savouring every single cinematic moment.

Did you know?
In 2007, Depp’s daughter, Lilly Rose Melody, contracted E. coli, an infection that began to cause her kidneys to shut down and resulted in an extended hospital stay. Happily Lilly recovered and to thank Great Ormond Street Depp visited the hospital in November 2007 dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and spent 4 hours reading stories to the children. He later donated £1 million to the hospital. Can you say “Awwww”?

Depp has 13 tats (that we know of – we wish we could count ‘em in the flesh, sigh) adorning his sexual self. His best known tattoo is “Wino Forever” after his brief liaison with Amy Winehouse. Nah, we’re just yanking your chain! Previously inked in as “Winona Forever” Depp later had this altered after the he and Winona Ryder broke up, hence the Wino.  

There’s a reason Depp sometimes looks like he’s a roadie for Motorhead, he’s a dirty rock grunger – our favourite! Yay! He’s recorded a solo album, played slide guitar on the Oasis song "Fade In-Out" (from Be Here Now, 1997) and played on "Fade Away (Warchild Version)" (b-side of the "Don't Go Away" single).

And just when we thought we couldn’t lust him any more..


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