Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jamie Bell The Next Spider-Man?

Well this made us look twice. According to Bleeding Cool, Jamie Bell has been cast as the next Spider-Man for Sony's younger and grittier 3D remake.

Director Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer) had spent the last few months meeting actors for the as of yet untitled Spider-Man reboot and had narrowed down his wish list to: Jamie Bell, Alden Ehrenreich, Frank Dillane, Josh Hutcherson and Andrew Garfield.

However Bleeding Cool claims that Jamie Bell has definitely been cast as the next Spider-Man. There's been no confirmation as yet from Sony, but we’ll update you as soon as we know.

The new Spider-Man movie will follow a much younger Peter Parker. It’s speculated that the new film will be more realistic and grittier than the previous films and will follow the character as he is portrayed in the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series (a rebooted Spider-Man mythology with a modern twist).

The original Spider-Man 4 had been due for release in 2011, but director Sam Raimi was unhappy with the script. Script issues and other creative differences meant that film was ditched, along with its stars Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst.

We rather like the idea of Jamie Bell taking on the role of Spider-Man. He’s clearly an excellent actor (he won a Bafta for Billy Elliott yanno) and has a strong physicality that will translate well to the role.

Kring In Talks To Make A Final Heroes Miniseries

Word on the sci-fi grape vine is that Heroes could be given a miniseries to conclude the programme properly, after it was axed by NBC in May (Boo!).

Talking to TV Guide, Tim Kring said he is to undergo talks with NBC bosses regarding how to wrap up the series.

If all goes to plan, the miniseries will pick up a year after the season four finale and will see Claire (Hayden Panettiere) as the spokesperson for people with super powers.

Kring said, "I've spoken with everyone. They're all eager to participate." There’s no doubt about that - many of the Heroes cast have come out in support of the miniseries including Heroes actor, Greg Grunberg.

Greg, who played Matt Parkman in series, told Entertainment Weekly; “I hope [there's a wrap-up movie], but you know better than I do that financially it might be impossible to do. There are a lot of actors, we're all tied to a contract. I hope that we can work it out. I mean, I'm certainly willing to come back and I think everybody is. I've talked to everybody and everybody really wants to wrap this up."

Our fingers are crossed with you, Mr Kring and Mr Grunberg.

Jeremy Renner For Hawkeye In The Avengers

THR has confirmed that Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker) has almost completed a deal to play Hawkeye in Marvel Studio’s upcoming super movie, The Avengers.

It was widely reported last year that Renner was favourite to play Hawkeye, but the actor was too busy with other filming commitments to confirm.

Hawkeye’s weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, and he has an accuracy Legolas would be proud of. Hawkeye was first introduced as a reluctant villain in Marvel’s comic, Tales of Suspense #57, and was not initially a member of The Avengers. It wasn’t until he switched sides that he became a long standing member of the Avengers team.

You have to agree, The Avengers cast and crew is pretty fricken impressive; Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Don Cheadle will all reprise their roles from Iron Man (Tony Stark, Black Widow, Nick Fury and War Machine respectively), Chris Evans will play Captain America and Chris Hemsworth will play Thor.

Still to be confirmed is who will portray the role of the Hulk. Most showbiz types are betting on Edward Norton, but we’d prefer Eric Bana – much more believable!

Either way, Joss Whedon is writing and directing and the cast looks amazing – this is a film we cannot wait to see!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Torchwood: The Comic Announced

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later wasn't it? Torchwood, or more specifically Torchwood hero Captain Jack Harkness, has been turned into a comic book. And show star John Barrowman has even penned a story himself.

The new series of prequel comics from Titan (due out in the US on Tue 10 Aug) sees Captain Jack team up with Gwen and Ianto for an adventure set in Scotland, titled The Selkie.

The book's second story was penned by Torchwood script editor Gary Russell, and sees the threesome get trapped in a cosmic hotel.

Gillan Teases Who Finale

The Geeky Girls couldn't help skiving for 30 minutes or so this morning when we found out Doctor Who star Karen Gillan was doing a webchat with The Times. We logged on to see what she had to say, and pose a few cheeky questions of our own.

A very well behaved Karen kept reasonably schtum when it came to spoilers, but she did reveal a couple of hints about Doctor Who's upcoming finale. "The finale episodes were definitely my fave to film," she said. "The end of the series is very, very exciting. I'll say three words: 'horses' and 'time crack'!"

Well, the 'time crack' clue is no surprise - that one's been floating around since the beginning of the series. But what's all this about horses? Horsemen of the apocalypse maybe? Or just a ruse from the feisty redhead.

Karen went on to reveal that Stephen Moffat is busy penning the script for the Christmas special, but sadly for fans of Arthur Darvill the actress confirmed that we won't be seeing Amy's love Rory again. In her words, Rory is "deceased". Boo.

Karen went on to discuss Matt Smith's portrayal of the Doctor, describing him as reckless. "He does have a bit of a temper," she said, adding: "Not sure about most angry ever. William Hartnell was quite grumpy!"

And as for Amy entering the world of Torchwood (should another series happen), Karen was intrigued by the idea of her character meeting Captain Jack (well, who could blame her?). "If the storyline was good, then why not?" she said when asked if she'd be up for a cameo. "Torchwood is great."

Die hard fans can read back the full web chat here.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

True Blood Season 3 Looks Amazing!

Now that the season three premier is only weeks away (well, for those lucky True Believers in the States, anyway) it's about time that Alan Ball et al gave us more than those cheeky promo posters.

And the big boss has obliged with this extended teaser trailer that gives us a good look at what's in store for the residents of Bon Temps.

From what we can tell, it doesn't seem to follow Charlaine Harris' third book too closely, but we're excited to see where they're going with the Eric / Sookie thing.

Oh - and Alcide is hot with a capital H! Phew!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Keeley Hawes: Your Geeky Woman of the Month for May

Aw, how sweet, it’s a veritable smorgasbord of Ashes to Ashes attractive facial action in this month’s poll! You voted, and you wanted Keeley as your Woman of the Month – good taste!

Keeley’s profile has been sky high of recent, mostly due in part for her role in Ashes to Ashes as DI Alex Drake or “Bolly Knickers” as Gene affectionately calls her. In the BBC sci-fi drama, Alex gets shot and she finds herself transported back to the 80s, facing Gene Hunt and his motley crew.

DI Alex Drake is a ballsy character; she’s feisty, intelligent and carries a strong sense of justice but has a habit of applying this as much to the practices of CID as to the criminal underclass – much to the utter consternation of Gene and the team.

More importantly, Alex was a psychologist to Sam Tyler (Life on Mars) and is hungry to unravel the mystery of his disappearance as well as getting back to the present time to her daughter, Molly.

Awful perms, cheesy pop, massive yuppie mobile phones and shoulder pads so humongous Pat Butcher would be proud – we hit the 80’s with a vengeance. And just like the different era, so came a different sparring partner for the ever bullish, Gene Hunt. Unfortunately, some commentators, hugely critical from the outset, got the knives out for Keeley’s performance of Alex Drake and the actress herself.

‘I don’t think I’d ever had a bad word said before, so it was very unpleasant,’ says Hawes in an interview with The Telegraph. ‘At one point somebody had written, “It’s clear that the other cast members do not like this actress.” But their characters are supposed to not like Alex Drake when she arrives. We’re acting! The cast were all coming over to my house for lunch and I had to say, “I have got a bit upset by all of this – you do like me, don’t you?”’

Thankfully, most people (us and you included) really rather enjoyed Keeley’s turn as Alex Drake - especially her chemistry with Gene Hunt and spazzed out hallucinary episodes - and we were happy to see a fitting end to her character’s journey (as well as the dream finale – just a dream we tell you).

Keeley’s next project is called Identity, a new 6 part thriller in which she plays DSI Martha Lawrence. The show is about identity theft, and will air in July on ITV. The Geeky Girls wish you well Miss Hawes!

5 Keeley Facts
  • Did you know Keeley was the voice of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Legends?!
  • Keeley is married to her old Spooks co-star, Matthew MacFadyen.
  • Her dad and brothers are all London cabbies. Bet she gets free lifts everywhere.
  • Keeley was first spotted on Oxford Street, but says she hated modelling.
  • Keeley attended the Silva Young School for Performing Arts alongside Emma Bunton (Spice Girls, remember them?) and they are still good friends.

Philip Glenister: Your Man of the Month for May

Shut. Up! Stone the crows! You guys have voted Philip Glenister as your Man of the Month!
We’re sort of gob smacked at this turn of events. We included Philip Glenister on an impish, geeky whim. The Geeky Girls have long been fans of DCI Gene Hunt, but we’ve never told anyone about our closet lust for Mr Glenister. We thought you might point your cursors and laugh, but nay! You think he’s kind of lovely too!

Philip is best known for his portrayal of DCI Gene Hunt in BBC 1’s excellent 70’s sci-fi drama, Life on Mars. But recently it’s been his reprisal of Hunt in the spin off sequel series, Ashes to Ashes that we’ve been concentrating on – including the show’s stunning finale.

If you’ve never had the pleasure of watching Philip in action as Gene Hunt let us summarise for you. Gene Hunt is politically incorrect, brutish, hugely chauvinistic and yet incredibly likable and exciting to watch. We strangely couldn’t get enough.

Speaking to The Telegraph Philip has this to say of the great man: "Gene is a guilty pleasure. He couldn't have worked as a character before New Labour – you need that cultural distance from the Seventies and early Eighties. He was supposed to be this awful dinosaur, and I don't think anyone realised how popular and cultish he would become. He's an antidote to our thin-skinned world.”

A cult figure indeed. Gene Hunt has been described as a "national hero" by The Independent newspaper and the Guardian noted the character had been "taken to the nation's hearts". We can back up the hyperbole too. Gene Hunt was voted the United Kingdom's favourite television hero in 2008, receiving over 25% of the popular vote, ahead of both 24's Jack Bauer and Doctor Who.

And with Ashes to Ashes we’ve seen a new dimension to Hunt’s character that we think you rather liked – the loooove connection with Alex Drake.

Jane Featherstone, executive producer of both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes says of their barely concealed lusting, “The relationship between Gene Hunt and Alex Drake is critical to Ashes to Ashes. It is tumultuous, sexy, intellectual, instinctive and totally different to his relationship with Sam.”

Alas, Ashes to Ashes has now come to its end, but we were promised by producers that we’d finally discover the secrets of the ever enigmatic Gene and we weren’t disappointed. MASSIVE SPOILER BELOW! So we've kindly hidden it for all you crazy folk yet to watch the final episode!

Quite simply the best finale we have seen in a long time: In the final episode, we learn that Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes world was a kind of purgatory for lost (and obviously dead) police officers. Gene, Ray, Chris and Shaz are all dead and it’s finally revealed that Alex Drake has also died. They all eventually “move on” apart from Gene, who stays, continuing with his responsibility to guide other lost souls.

So farewell Gene Hunt – will we see you again? Who knows? But if you want to see the lovely Mr Glenister in action, he’ll be gracing your screens again soon! He has begun filming a new Sky1 HD drama, Mad Dogs, starring Philip, Max Beesley and Marc Warren and.. John Simm!

5 Glenister Facts:
  • Philip Glenister is 6’0 tall 
  • His brother is Robert Glenister of Hustle fame
  • Philip has said that he based the character of Gene Hunt on Brian Clough (a Brutish, British football manager, back in the day)
  • Mr Glenister managed a time of 1.54 on Top Gear’s Star in a Reasonably Priced Car challenge. It was a wet track and we’re reliably informed, that’s not a bad time.
  • In fact we hear that Philip does a lot of his own stunt driving in the Quattro! Speaking to the BBC, Philip said, “"I was putting my foot down, slamming on the brakes and trying to hit certain marks which meant I had to do several rehearsals to get it right. But I'd hate to get back into my car on the weekends because I'd be driving with my missus and she'd say 'you're driving awfully fast dear, can you slow down - you can do it at work but this is Richmond...'"

Exclusive! Geeky Girls Talk To John Noble

Fringe and Lord Of The Rings star John Noble has long been a favourite at Geeky Girl HQ, so we were very excited to sit down for a chat with the actor at this year's MCM Expo in London.

We joined bloggers from Geek Syndicate, Comic News Insider, and Tripwire for a chat about TV's most loveable loony Walter Bishop, get a few season three spoilers and quiz him on those rumours of a Fringe / Bones crossover.

People still haven't quite figured out what to make of Fringe. When you first got the script, what did you think?
"I didn't know where it was going. I heard all this talk about X Files, but I think it's natural for people to look for a comparison. That was a great honour frankly, The X Files was a magnificent show. But we're not X Files, we have very little similarity really and I believe we've got past that now. Hopefully we're creating a unique show. The key is the relationships that exist between the characters and that's kind of unique in procedurals. The relationships could belong to any drama."

Walter Bishop is beloved by fans - how do you maintain that over two seasons?
"The root material was there from the beginning. I understand Walter Bishop. I understand his emotions. There's an incredible sense of loss in the man. As his memory comes back, what he remembers is horrific - what's he's done. There's an overload of shame and guilt but at the same time he's incredibly excited to be back in life. When he's focussed on something he forgets everything, which is why he can be in the middle of an autopsy eating a lolly and he's so happy - nothing else enters his mind. He's gross when he's like that really."

You've played almost three versions of the same character - how did you find that?
"It's an interesting thing to do as an actor. When you're doing your preparation you do base preparation on a character, the history or whatever you want to call it. So it was funny going back 25 years. All I had to do was take off layers. I had to specifically take off layers from the old man. I had to take off the mental instability and give him back a vocal and physical rhythm that was 25 years younger. He spoke with more energy, he ran like a young man but he was still essentially the same guy. The other fella, Walternate, was the angered father on the other side who says 'Well fuck you, I'll get you' and than turns you into an incredibly dangerous man. I can understand him too. Walternate is a warrior, he looks taller, slimmer, sharper. He hasn't got the weight of the world on his shoulders."

What's been the most fun episode to film?
"The most fun was Peter, because that was going back and doing all the pre-aging stuff, and it was only me because I was the principle character. It was really hard, but I love that. It was huge fun."

How much improvisation are you allowed to do on set?
"I'll improvise the blocking on set and if the director doesn't like it he'll change it. We'll also improvise the emotional beats that exist between characters. But we don't play around with the script very much. Occasionally we'll change a word or a line, but normally we'll have to get authority format the writers, and I think that's fair enough. Quite an interesting line came up at the end of the Peter episode, in the final scene Walter was with Olivia and said: 'I created all this damage…' and then he said 'You have no idea what it's like to lose a child'. That wasn't that line, but I was conscious of the profound effect losing a child could have, so I asked for permission to change it because I felt that was absolutely what Walter meant."

Will there be a direction change for season three?
"This I can't answer specifically because I don't know. It's absolutely evident that because we've left Olivia on the other side, we have to go and get her. There's no doubt about that. I believe that for the first third of season three a considerable amount of time will be spent in the alternate universe. And having created these wonderful other characters for Olivia and Walter and Broils and Astrid it would be a terrible shame not to go back there. The stakes are huge if you're leading lady is on the other side. They've got to know, don't they? They'll see the tattoo or something. They'll know it's not her."

Might we see an entire episode set in the alternate universe?
"I think so. I can't promise it, but I think there's a whole series on the other side and believe me, that's been talked about. These people that write these shows are truly gifted. Their imaginations astound me. They've created a situation where, instead of closing down their options, which happens with a lot of other television shows, they keep opening more up. Anything is possible."

Do you feel that, as the show gets more complicated, resolving it might be difficult if the series is axed?
"That's a really good question. I think that if we had legs, and with network television you never know, we'll make the same decision as Lost did - to say this will not run beyond this time. That way, all of the strings can be brought in and tied up. Even if they told us we had to finish this year, that'd give us enough time. If they drop the axe, what can you do? We care about it. I would certainly be disappointed if we didn't resolve it."

How involved is J.J Abrams in the show these days?
"Let me be honest, J.J does not involve himself in the day-to-day of the show beyond the launch of the show. We all dodge around this, but he doesn't. He's only been on the set about three times. It's no embarrassment. What he does is come up with these incredible creative ideas and then he gives it away to people to do. But, if anything goes wrong, he's where it stops."

There have been rumours that Fox is considering a crossover between Fringe and Bones. How do you feel about that?
"That'd be cool. I love those guys. I love that. I'd get on well with Bones, she's really cool. And I can imaging Olivia and David's character getting on well too. I don't know what Peter would do. That's interesting because Bones and Fringe have been paired together as a partnership that works on Fox. It'd be good to do a crossover."

Check out our picks from the MCM Expo on Facebook - including a cheeky, not-so-flattering snap of us with the man himself! We have no shame.

Del Toro Ditches The Hobbit

Sad news today for fans of Middle Earth. Guillermo Del Toro has announced that he will no longer direct Peter Jackson's long-awaited two-part movie version of The Hobbit.

The news comes after the movie was delayed by financial problems at movie studio MGM. Reports suggest that the director, celebrated for movies including the Hellboy series and 2006's fantastic Pan's Labyrinth, couldn't commit to staying in New Zealand any longer.

In a statement released to official Lord Of The Rings site, TheOneRing.net, del Toro explained: "In light of ongoing delays in the setting of a start date for filming The Hobbit, I am faced with the hardest decision of my life. After nearly two years of living, breathing and designing a world as rich as Tolkien's Middle Earth, I must, with great regret, take leave from helming these wonderful pictures.

"I remain grateful to Peter, Fran and Philippa Boyens, New Line and Warner Brothers and to all my crew in New Zealand. I've been privileged to work in one of the greatest countries on earth with some of the best people ever in our craft and my life will be forever changed."

A statement from producer Peter Jackson read: "We feel very sad to see Guillermo leave the Hobbit. But he has kept us fully in the loop and we understand how the protracted development time on these two films, due to reasons beyond anyone's control, has compromised his commitment to other long term projects.

"The bottom line is that Guillermo just didn't feel he could commit six years to living in New Zealand, exclusively making these films, when his original commitment was for three years. Guillermo is one of the most remarkable creative spirits I've ever encountered and it has been a complete joy working with him."

Jackson confirmed that Del Toro will continue to co-write the screenplays, while speculation about the films' new director has already begun. In an interview with New Zealand's Dominion Post, Jackson revealed that he is currently exploring options to save the film even though it may put his other projects at risk. "If that's what I have to do to protect Warner Bros' investment, then obviously that's one angle which I'll explore," he said.

Being Human Changes For American Remake

US telly bosses have revealed that there are changes afoot for the American version of our beloved British supernatural series Being Human.

Oi! Americans! Nooooo!

The series, which will be set in Boston, will see the characters altered for the US audience. The werewolf George will be renamed Josh, while the vampire Mitchell will be Jewish.

Executive producer Rob Pursey explained: "Without letting go of the DNA of the original, it is evolving into quite a different show. It will be pacier and the characters' hinterlands are broader. So with Josh you get to see another aspect of how he copes with being the outsider."

Pursey added: "Syfy is very keen to take the humour and humanity rather than just the vampires. They want it to push the channel more mainstream."

The show, which is currently being cast, will be penned by Everwood and Privileged writer Anna Fricke and Supernatural's Jeremy Carver. It is expected to go into pre-production next month and is scheduled to air in 2011.

Green Lantern Details Revealed

Warner Bros has released an official synopsis for its upcoming adaptation Green Lantern. The film, which stars Ryan Reynolds in the titular role, sees our hero go up against the villain Parallax.

Directed by Martin Campbell, Green Lantern is set to hit the big screen on 17th June, 2011.

Find the full press release below.

Green Lantern 

Bringing the enduringly popular superhero to the big screen for the first time, “Green Lantern” stars Ryan Reynolds (“X-Men Origins: Wolverine”) in the title role, under the direction of Martin Campbell (“Casino Royale”).

In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of warriors sworn to keep intergalactic order, each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal Jordan.

Hal is a gifted and cocky test pilot, but the Green Lanterns have little respect for humans, who have never harnessed the infinite powers of the ring before. But Hal is clearly the missing piece to the puzzle, and along with his determination and willpower, he has one thing no member of the Corps has ever had: humanity. With the encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), if Hal can quickly master his new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears, he may prove to be not only the key to defeating Parallax…he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all.

Campbell directs “Green Lantern” from a screenplay by Greg Berlanti & Michael Green & Marc Guggenheim and Michael Goldenberg, story by Greg Berlanti & Michael Green & Marc Guggenheim, based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Comics.

The film also stars Blake Lively (upcoming “The Town,” TV’s “Gossip Girl”) as the spirited Carol Ferris, a test pilot and the heir apparent to her father’s aviation company; Peter Sarsgaard (“An Education,” “Flightplan”) as scientist Dr. Hector Hammond; Mark Strong (“Sherlock Holmes”) as Sinestro, Jordan’s powerful mentor in the Green Lantern Corps; Jay O. Sanders (“Revolutionary Road”) as Carl Ferris, Carol’s aircraft designer dad; Temuera Morrison (“Star Wars” Episodes II and III) as Abin Sur, Jordan’s alien predecessor; Taika Waititi (TV’s “The Flight of the Conchords”) as flight navigator Tom Kalmaku, Hal’s good friend and confidante; Academy Award® nominee Angela Bassett (“What’s Love Got to Do with It”) as enigmatic government scientist Amanda Waller; and Academy Award® winner Tim Robbins (“Mystic River”) as Hector’s influential father, Senator Robert Hammond.

The film is being produced by Donald De Line (“The Italian Job”) and Greg Berlanti (upcoming “Life As We Know It”). Herbert W. Gains and Andrew Haas serve as executive producers. Geoff Johns and Lucienne Papon are co-producing.

The film’s behind-the-scenes creative team is led by a number of Academy Award® winners, including director of photography Dion Beebe (“Memoirs of a Geisha”), production designer Grant Major (“The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”), and costume designer Ngila Dickson (“The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”), as well as Oscar®-nominated editor and longtime Campbell collaborator, Stuart Baird (“Gorillas in the Mist,” “Superman”). The film’s visual effects are being overseen by Oscar®-nominee Kent Houston (“The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen,” “Casino Royale”).

The film is currently scheduled for release in 3D and 2D on June 17, 2011. “Green Lantern” will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.