Thursday, December 17, 2009

Taylor Swift For Supergirl?

Squeaky-clean pop starlet Taylor Swift is rumoured to be among the actresses being considered to take the lead in a remake of Supergirl. Rumour has it the 20-year-old, who'll make her film debut in next year's Valentine's Day, is a fave among Hollywood bosses.

"Hollywood is short of female heroes and the time is right for a new Supergirl," said an insider.
"A number of young stars are being mentioned for the title role in a Supergirl movie and possible TV spinoff, and Taylor is top of that list. She has all the right elements to be a positive role model to young girls."

And it seems the world has gone Swift-crazy as Vampire Diaries boss Kevin Williamson is rumoured to be keen to sign Taylor up for a guest spot.

"I'm desperate to have Taylor Swift come play a vampire," he told E! News. "Wouldn't she make an amazing Kirsten Dunst circa Interview With the Vampire type? I cannot tell you how hard I'm trying to get her - I would kill to have her on the show!"

Hmm... has anyone considered whether the girl can act at all?

Singer Signs For X-Men Prequel

Good news for X-Men fans. Bryan Singer is set to return to the X-Men franchise to direct prequel movie First Class.
The film, penned by Gossip Girl creator Josh Schwartz, is set to explore the early years of Marvel heroes Cyclops, Jean Grey and Charles Xavier.

"I just yesterday signed a deal to do an X-Men: First Class origins picture which is kind of cool," Singer revealed at the US premiere of Avatar. "I'm very excited."

As are we, Mr Singer. As are we.

Daily Rant: Ridiculous Buffy Remake Rumours

Whilst the thought of a Buffy remake without the involvement of Joss Whedon, never mind the original cast, upset us greatly - the latest fan rumours circulating take the proverbial biscuit.

According to someone, somewhere on the internet, studio bosses are planning a Buffy movie with Kristen Stewart in the lead role.


Isn't it enough that she's got her own vampire franchise, complete with Edward Cullen?

Worse still, if gossip on the grapevine is to be believed, they - whoever 'they' may be - are interested in Matt Dillon to play Angel.


What next? Megan Fox as Willow? Will Ferrell as Giles? 

For the sake of our blood pressure and our sanity, we can only hope this turns out to be utter tosh. Not that we'd have gone to see a non-Whedon version of BTVS anyway... so there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Lost Underground Art Project

Attention all Lost fans! (Well... those seeking season 6 clues anyway).

The Lost Underground Art Project is, as the name suggests, a Lost-inspired art initiative. Created by 16 professional poster artists who also happen to be Lost aficionados, the exhibition showcases a collection of posters that depict a classic scene from the show - you know, the plane crash (see right) and... other stuff.

Still with us? Now... on to the interesting bit.

Lost bosses Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof have rewarded hard-working spoiler hunters by planting a few teasers and hints in and around the interweb - including a specially designed poster containing two season six teases within the LUAP collection.

"We don't want to spoil the new season," said Carlton. "But we also knew we couldn't do absolutely nothing. So we're going to be releasing some teases, but in a way where you have to seek them out, and won't be spoiled if you don't want to be spoiled."

For those who - like us - get overexcited at even the tiniest scraps of information, the poster has hit the web here:

Take a look if you dare, and if you spot the teases please let us know. We've been staring at the damn thing for hours and still can't figure it out.

True Blood Casts Werewolf

Where there are vampires, there must also be werewolves and staying true to Charlaine Harris' original books, The Southern Vampire Mysteries, True Blood bosses have begun casting their 'pack'.

One Tree Hill actor Joe Manganiello will play Bon Temps' answer to Twilight's Jacob Black, Alcide Herveaux. The character is introduced in the third season when he's recruited by Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) to undertake a very important mission.

The oddly-named Alcide will also be a new love interest (read: lust object) for Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), who'll no doubt get in the middle of lots of vamp/wolf dilemmas a la Bella Cullen... though with more sex, we're sure.

Sneak Peek: Never Mind The Buzzcocks Doctor Who Special

David Tennant and the Doctor Who gang take over our favourite panel show, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, tonight for a special Who-themed episode.
The Beeb have kindly released this preview of the ep, in which Bernard Cribbins displays pure comedy genius. "I like prawns..." Brilliant!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Lost Season 6 Pics Released!

After a ridiculously long wait, Lost will return for it's final season in February 2010.

While we wait to find out if we'll finally get some answers, the kind bods at Sky1 have released some teaser pics to keep us going:

Meanwhile, word has reached GGSF that a major character is set to meet their maker. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the show's producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse described writing the character out as "really painful".

"As the story is now nearing its conclusion, some characters just aren't going make it all the way to the end," Cuse said. "Even beloved characters aren't going make it all the way to the end.

"And sometimes we have to do things that are really painful, like killing Juliet, because that’s what makes the story feel like the stakes are genuine, and people feel invested that characters who are beloved can actually perish on our show."

So who'll kick the bucket? Our money's on Sawyer going out in a blaze of glory...

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Doctor's Christmas Message

The Doctor has recorded a special Christmas message on behalf of BBC1 - a little cheese-tastic, we'll grant you, but still kind of sweet.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Birth of Geeky Girls Love Sci-Fi

We're at the pub, celebrating the birth of our blog with chenin blanc, dedicated to female fans of all things sci-fi and fantasy e.g Edward Cullen.

Due to our positions in the know, we'll be bringing you the latest news on our favourite films, tv shows and books, like:

True Blood
Doctor Who
Twilight Saga
and Iron Man 2

We'll be back soon with our first proper post, but for now, it's back to the bottle!

Smoke us a kipper, we'll be back for breakfast!
The Geeky Girls XOXO