Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daily Rant: Ridiculous Buffy Remake Rumours

Whilst the thought of a Buffy remake without the involvement of Joss Whedon, never mind the original cast, upset us greatly - the latest fan rumours circulating take the proverbial biscuit.

According to someone, somewhere on the internet, studio bosses are planning a Buffy movie with Kristen Stewart in the lead role.


Isn't it enough that she's got her own vampire franchise, complete with Edward Cullen?

Worse still, if gossip on the grapevine is to be believed, they - whoever 'they' may be - are interested in Matt Dillon to play Angel.


What next? Megan Fox as Willow? Will Ferrell as Giles? 

For the sake of our blood pressure and our sanity, we can only hope this turns out to be utter tosh. Not that we'd have gone to see a non-Whedon version of BTVS anyway... so there.


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