Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Lost Underground Art Project

Attention all Lost fans! (Well... those seeking season 6 clues anyway).

The Lost Underground Art Project is, as the name suggests, a Lost-inspired art initiative. Created by 16 professional poster artists who also happen to be Lost aficionados, the exhibition showcases a collection of posters that depict a classic scene from the show - you know, the plane crash (see right) and... other stuff.

Still with us? Now... on to the interesting bit.

Lost bosses Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof have rewarded hard-working spoiler hunters by planting a few teasers and hints in and around the interweb - including a specially designed poster containing two season six teases within the LUAP collection.

"We don't want to spoil the new season," said Carlton. "But we also knew we couldn't do absolutely nothing. So we're going to be releasing some teases, but in a way where you have to seek them out, and won't be spoiled if you don't want to be spoiled."

For those who - like us - get overexcited at even the tiniest scraps of information, the poster has hit the web here:

Take a look if you dare, and if you spot the teases please let us know. We've been staring at the damn thing for hours and still can't figure it out.


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