Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Inception Trailer

“What’s the most resilient parasite? An idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and re-write all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.” And so begins Leonardo DiCaprio’s quest in Christopher Nolan’s latest offering, Inception.

So far news and info surrounding the film has been scant and held tightly under wraps, which these days seems quite novel and we rather like the mystery of it all. We also really like what we’ve seen of Inception. It has the visual excitement of the Matrix (minus the S&M tailoring) and themes of the Minority Report; the ability to predict what might be by entering the human mind and altering it.

So a tentative “thank you” from the Geeky Girls to Warner Bros and Christopher Nolan. We’ve been waiting very patiently for a visually stunning and conceptually innovative sci-fi film and the trailers and buzz surrounding Inception makes us think we are about to get what we wished for.

Watch the latest (and more explanatory) trailer here:


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Geeky Girls February Man of the Month: Alexander Skarsgård!

This was always a one horse race and the last man standing shoulders and fangs above the rest is the ridiculously gorgeous Alexander Skarsgård.

We won’t lie (and we didn’t rig the vote – swear on Joss Whedon’s honour), here at Geeky Girl HQ we’re massive fans of Mr Skarsgård. 

He first came to our attention in the HBO drama, Generation Kill, as Iraq war Sergeant Brad “Iceman” Colbert, but it’s been his turn in True Blood as the 1,000 year old vampire, Eric Northman, that has really seen Skarsgård’s star soar. Not to mention our pulses. Corny, yes, but oh so true.

On UK screens we see Skarsgård return (on FX, Friday 26th February at 10pm) as Viking vampire, Eric Northman and we’re noticeably more excitable than usual. Skarsgård’s charismatic portrayal of head honcho, Sheriff of Area 5, Eric Northman, was hugely likeable and thus Skarsgård returns with a much more substantial role in season two. 

Referring to him-self as a “glorified extra” in the first season, in the new season we get to see a much more rounded and altogether more intriguing Eric Northman.

Speaking to IESB, Skarsgård says, “In Season one, Eric was the entrepreneur, doing his thing, and walking around and being the bad-ass vampire. In season two, you’ll hopefully understand him a little bit better and see more than just the evil vampire that people sometimes think he is”.

Geeky Girls can hardly wait.

Random Skarsgård facts
  • He’s 6’4” tall
  • He’s originally from Sweden
  • In his first U.S. role, he played one of the ill-fated male model roommates in Zoolander
  • Five times voted the sexiest man in Sweden (massive surprise there)
  • He lives in an apartment in Stockholm, Sweden near his parents
  • He starred in Lady Gaga’s video, Paparazzi
  • Supports the Stockholm based football club Hammarby IF
  • His favourite actress is Isabelle Huppert in the movie La pianiste (2001)
  • Skarsgård’s favourite actor is Gary Oldman

Now you know, with the Geeky Girls, it’s all about someone's portfolio of acting – we’re not as shallow or superficial to only be into him for his looks. Phish-posh! But then we stumbled over this little gem and we couldn’t help ourselves (note this is NOT for those of a weak disposition and he seems to have, erm, dropped his towel).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kick Ass Kicks Ass!

This morning the interweb has been abuzz with ravings about the latest superhero movie to hit the big screen, Kick Ass.

Whilst the Geeky Girls were otherwise engaged and unable to make last night's premiere, our friends in the know tell us it's excellent.

If you don't believe our verdict by proxy, it might be some comfort to hear that movie bible Empire agrees. The mag's reviewer Chris Hewitt gave the film five stars, saying: "Director Matthew Vaughn steers this material like he's been doing it all his life, handling wild tonal shifts with the implacable calm of an opening batsman, and marshalling a series of world-class action scenes."

The Beeb's resident movie expert also gave his verdict on Twitter last night, claiming the movie is the "best super hero film ever!!" Though what with his missus Jane Goldman being the screenwriter, we'd expect nothing less.

Kick Ass hits UK cinemas on Fri 2 April. For now, here's a trailer to whet your appetite.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kristen Stewart says Breaking Dawn future is “up in the air”

It seems that no one is any the wiser about the future of the Breaking Dawn film, the final book in Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. Kristen Stewart told assembled reporters at the Bafta ceremony that neither she, Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner had signed up for the next instalment of the Twilight saga.

Speaking after the success of picking up the Orange Rising Star award Kristen said, “We’re all definitely on board to do Breaking Dawn, but what’s up in the air at the moment is whether it’s going to be one or two films and at the moment we still don’t know.”

But Kristen clearly can’t wait to start filming the final movie, “I'd just say that all of the stuff you've read in the book is going to look really cool. I'm really excited to see the newborns, I keep saying that, but they're going to look insane.”

Geeky Girls are hopeful that Breaking Dawn is not split into two segments. We say condense the wedding stuff and keep with the more action packed vampire activity. What do you think? Do you think Breaking Dawn should be split into two?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Belated BAFTA Update

Apologies for the belated nature of this report from the 2010 BAFTA awards, but frankly the Geeky Girls are still in shock that James Cameron's Avatar missed out on the gongs for best director and best picture (in fairness though, The Hurt Locker was a deserving winner).

We were chuffed though, to see K-Stew pick up the Orange Rising Star Award following her breakthrough performances in the Twilight movies. Check out the leading lady's humble acceptance speech below.

James Corden For Doctor Who?

Psst... word is that Gavin & Stacey star James Corden has landed a guest spot in Doctor Who.

According to The Sun, the actor was spotted reading his script on a train whilst en route to the set in Cardiff.

Hmm... we're sure the BBC's professional secret keepers will love that.

A show insider told the tabloid: "We normally keep our guest stars under wraps but you can't hide a bloke like James.

"And now he's not coming to Wales for Gavin & Stacey anymore, it's pretty obvious why he is here. We're just delighted to have James on board. He is a great actor and he'll be a perfect fit for the new Doctor Who."

As always, the Beeb have refused to comment, which we're taking as confirmation.

First Look: True Blood Season Two!

As a special Monday evening treat, the Geeky Girls have got our grubby mitts on a sneak preview of the first episode of True Blood season two.

The episode, Nothing But The Blood, picks up where season one left off as Tara and Sookie discover a dead body in Andy Bellefleur's car.

But which Bon Temps resident has had their heart ripped out?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Films You MUST See!

It’s wet and cold in the UK today. Horrible weather makes us day dream about sunnier days: Days spent drinking cider in the sunshine or hustling over to the cinema to watch the latest summer blockbuster. And it was the summer blockbusters that got us thinking; there are some great films coming out in summer 2010. Here’s a quick rundown of our most highly anticipated films!

Iron Man 2
UK Release date: 30th April 2010

Being as geeky as we three are, it may not surprise you that we’re big fans of the Marvel franchises, but nothing has rocked our boots as much as Iron Man, due in part to the ridiculously charismatic and easy on the eye, Robert Downey Junior (Tony Stark). Even Gwyneth Paltrow is likeable as the feisty but sensible Pepper Potts; surely a testament to how good Iron Man was.

In IM2, with the world now aware of his dual life as the armoured superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark faces pressure from the government, the press, and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, along with his assistant Pepper and James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle) at his side, must forge new alliances - and confront powerful enemies.

Iron Man 2 looks impressive, full of action and still peppered with spiffy dialogue. Geeky Girl secret crush, Jon Favreau (directed Iron Man and started in The Break-Up and Swingers), is back in the seat to direct. Oh and did we mention – can’t wait to see Samuel L Jackson on form as Nick Fury.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
UK Release date: 9th July 2010

Okay, so we know we’re hardly surprising you with this pick, but we can’t help it - we really can’t wait to see how David Slade brings this book to the big screen. New Moon was a massive success globally, with the biggest opening weekend EVER in the US. So Eclipse, you know, no big deal.

In Eclipse we find Bella Swan struggling to choose between true love and vampire, Edward Cullen and best friend and werewolf, Jacob Black as the animosity between the vamps and the shape-shifters escalate. Not only that, but Bella must also contend with facing long term adversary, Victoria and face impending immortality, should she join Edward. Phew.

As moderate (see obsessive) fans of the Twilight series, we can’t wait to see how the third movie evolves in the Twilight saga. You can keep up to date with the latest Twilight news, trailers and photos here.

UK Release date: 16th July 2010

Inception is an upcoming American sci-fi thriller, written and directed by British filmmaker Christopher Nolan (he of the excellent Momento and Dark Knight – we trust you have watched both and if not, shame on you).

The premise of the film is a bit mysterious and the trailer released did nothing to clear up that confusion either (despite it being visually stunning - GG were gripped). Best we can work out is that is that a CEO played by Leo DiCaprio, can enter people’s dreams to extract vital information, but things begin to seriously escalate as a result. Other cast members include Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine.

The buzz surrounding this film is mighty and many industry sources are tipping this film to be one of the best and most intriguing of all 2010’s releases. This has been a clever marketing campaign - the Geeky Girls interest is well and truly piqued and we’re genuinely excited by this release!

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
UK Release date: 28th May 2010

Okay, so if you’ve played the game we’re pretty sure you’re hopping with excitement about seeing this film. For those of you who haven’t heard about this game-cum-film, a quick synopsis is required.

Set in medieval Persia, an adventurous prince and a rival princess team up to rescue the Sands of Time, a gift from the gods that controls time, from the hands of the villainous big-bad, Nizam. A classic action-fantasy movie recipe if we heard one. And film boasts a classy cast with Jake Gyllenhaal as the plucky Prince, Gemma Anderton as Princess Tamina and the great Ben Kinsley as the evil ruler Nizam.

Directed by Mike Newell (The Awakening, Three Weddings and a Funeral, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer (what hasn’t this man worked on?) we’re pretty sure this film is in safe hands. The film opens in May, but we don’t really want to wait that long!

Check Out The New Doctor Who Trailer!

Doctor Who exploded back onto our screens last night with a new trailer that offered a tantalising glimpse of the new series.

The teaser sees the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion Amy (Karen Gillan) fly through a vortex. Amy seems to do a lot of screaming as the Doctor spies a few old foes and wrestles with an angry looking Weeping Angel.

Hmm... the Geeky Girls would've liked a few more clues about what's in store for the series, but what do you think?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Funny Lost feature on the Onion News Network - Tehe!

The Geeky Girls remember when Lost was *the* buzz word on every body’s lips. But then as the series went on and the questions far out-weighed the answers, people rebelliously begun to switch off.

We stumbled over this hilarious Lost segment in the satirical Onion News Network show on HBO. We thought all you Lost rebels (and Lost fans with a sense of humour) would get a kick and a chuckle out of this – it’s pretty spot on!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Vampire Diaries: Who's The Daddy?

James Remar (or Richard Wright, the on-off tycoon boyfriend of Kim Cattrall's character Samantha in Sex and the City) has been cast as Stefan and Damon's father in The Vampire Diaries.

His character, Giuseppe Salvatore, is an aristocratic Italian from the 1860's. Expect to see him in more than one episode, as there's tons of back-story to cover.

He certainly does spice things up, in more way than one!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Supernatural To Continue Without Creator Kripke?

No a huge surprise here, but the CW has decided to commission another series of the rather excellent Supernatural. Yaaaaay! 

So now for the bigger surprise, it seems show creator Eric Kripke will be stepping down from the day-to-day running of Supernatural. Sacrebleu!

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Eric said, “I’m looking at this season as the [last] chapter in this particular story. That doesn’t mean there can’t be a new story. Buffy did it. The X-Files did it. You close a chapter on a big mythology storyline and then you begin a new one." When asked for confirmation of his involvement in a possible sixth season, the show supremo evaded the question: “I don’t know. I’m going to cross that bridge when I get to it."

Although Kripke had always maintained the show would only run for 5 seasons it seems good audience ratings and the positive buzz surrounding it was enough to convince network bosses to renew the series. Close sources say the show's executive producer Sera Gamble is set to pick up the mantel from where Kripke left off.

Here at Geeky Girl HQ, we’re big fans of Supernatural and think Kripke is a genius, but when Joss Whedon stepped down from the day-to-day running of the Buffster, the show's writing, director and production stayed great. Supernatural is one of those classy affairs and we think everything will be handled with aplomb.

Catch Supernatural Season 5 on Living TV, Thursdays at 9pm.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Doctor Who Promo Pic Released

The BBC have given fans a hint at what's to come in the fifth series of Doctor Who with this new publicity shot showing Matt Smith and companion Amy (Karen Gillan) in a vortex with enemies including a Dalek, a Weeping Angel and a scary looking clown-type-thing.

In other news, the Beeb have announced that a new Doctor Who trailer will be broadcast on BBC One and on the official Doctor Who website this Saturday.

True Blood Season 2 Will Be "Sexier" And "Gorier"

True Blood creator Alan Ball has said that the second season of the show is "sexier and gorier".

Wow - we weren't sure that could be done.

Alan had a few hints on the big threat for our heroine Sookie this series. "As the show progresses, we know there is a character who is up to no good and is dangerous long before any of the other characters on the show know it," he revealed.

As for the show's sexy element, Alan insisted that he doesn't feel the series is gratuitous.

"This season, I did not feel like we needed to up the ante just to up the ante. There is a scene where Sookie and Bill make love in the first episode that basically on the page it said 'Sookie and Bill make love.' Then I saw the dailies cut together ... and I was like ‘Oh, wow! OK.’

"I love it and I think that’s part of the appeal of the show. I don't think we do anything gratuitously. But it's important to show that between Sookie and Bill, there is this incredible, erotic chemistry."

But what about Bill's love rival, Eric Northman?

"I did feel like it was important to make Eric more frightening and see more of his monstrous side because as we progress we see more of his more human side," added Alan.

Another character whose storyline will differ from Charlaine Harris' original vision is Sookie's brother, the delectable Jason Stackhouse.

Alan revealed: "In the books, Jason is very much the hot guy in town who is the womanizer. Once we started to flesh him out, no pun intended, we saw that he is sexually compulsive.

"Ultimately, Jason is a scared little boy that has been abandoned by everyone he has ever loved. In the second season, he is very much aware of the deep hole in his soul and he’s looking to fill that. As many people do, he latches onto religion and becomes part of an organization that makes him feel special. But of course, as time goes on ... let’s just say Jason can’t leave his clothes on too long."

The Geeky Girls are glad to hear it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Torchwood's Eve Myles Named Best Actress

Torchwood star Eve Myles has been voted best actress by SFX readers.

The actress, who plays Gwen Cooper in the Doctor Who spin off beat off competition from Cate Blanchett, Megan Fox, Anna Friel and Battlestar Galactica's Mary McDonnell to win the accolade.

Eve's co-star Gareth David Lloyd won the award for cult hero, while Torchwood also triumphed in the best TV episode category for Children Of Earth.

Former Doctor Who David Tennant scooped best actor and sexiest male (well deserved, in our opinion), while Megan Fox landed the gong for sexiest female (no surprise there).

Geeky Girls fave True Blood picked up best phenomenon, Supernatural got the gong for best TV show and Being Human picked up the breakout award.

Congrats all round.

True Blood: Sam Speaks!

True Blood star Sam Trammell has spilled the beans on what's in store for his character Sam Merlotte - and he's made it clear that he enjoys the trouble his alter ego gets himself in.

"I had a really good one the first season with the connection to Maryanne and the money, and this past year with my parents - I enjoy being in trouble," the actor told Digital Spy. "I enjoy the conflict.

"In a way Sam's the sensible eye in the crazy storm of the show. Any kind of bad situation I could be in - I like the bad situations. Sam in more trouble - more abuse for Sam, that's what I wish for!"

Sam went on to reveal that the show's third season could see the character hunt for his biological parents: "He's probably had a desire to see them, unconsciously, for a while, and that is going to be trouble. Alan Ball is going to torture me again!"

And it doesn't look like Sam's love life is going to run any more smoothly: "I think he'll always carry a torch for Sookie even though at this point he's kind of given up on her. He would still protect her and be concerned about her but he's given up on her although I'm sure that will resurface at some point depending on how many years we do the show!"

But the actor did have a few hints to give away about the Bill-Sookie-Eric love triangle, which we'll see more of during season two. "Obviously we jump off from the books and go our own directions," said Sam. 

"Eric's just such a strong presence. He's going to have a little more power with her and I bet you their romance is going to grow. But she's so connected to Bill - like even more connected to him than in the books - that I don't see Bill going anywhere. I don't know - it's pretty screwed up!"
For our part, the Geeky Girls are firmly on Team Eric - just so you're aware.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lost Sneak Preview

The Geeky Girls have got our grubby little mitts on a sneak preview of the next episode of Lost, The Substitute.

Check out the clip below, in which Fake Locke - or Flocke, as he shall hereafter be known - tries to convince a skeptical Sawyer that he has the answer to the ultimate question.

Hmm... sounds a bit dodgy to us.

Skarsgård's Naked Confession

True Blood star and all round sexpot Alexander Skarsgård has admitted he doesn't have a problem with getting his kit off on camera.

The actor told Digital Spy: "It doesn't really bother me that much. I've been naked in movies before so I don't really care about it. I grew up in Sweden so it's not a big issue."

Phew, we've got to get us to Sweden.

In other news, Alex revealed that the third season of TV's sexiest vampire show will see his character's relationship with Sookie step up a notch:

"Eric doesn't care too much for humans in general - he thinks they're pathetic - but there's something about her. He can't put his finger on it, but he's curious. He's not gonna let Bill stop him because Bill's just this little kid!"

That Sookie Stackhouse is one lucky lady.

Doctor Who To Face Daleks, Star Whale And "Silent Menace"

A new BBC press release has hinted that Matt Smith's eleventh Doctor is set to face a whole host of nasties when the fifth series of Doctor Who hits screens this Easter.

Matt's first adventure in the Tardis will be an hour-long episode scripted by Steven Moffat, titled The Eleventh Hour.

The release also reveals that the eleventh Doctor and new companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) will explore 16th century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space.

It goes on to hint that the Time Lord's long time enemies the Daleks are hatching a new master plan from the heart of war-torn London in the 1940s.

But they are not the only strange creatures the Doctor and Amy must face – there are also alien vampires, humanoid reptiles, old enemies such as the Weeping Angels and Silurians (last seen in 1984), a Star Whale, and a silent menace that follows Amy and the Doctor around wherever they go…

NEW! More Eclipse Photos to drool over

Oh our geekness! The stream of new photo stills from the Eclipse film set are getting progressively hotter - so hot in fact, they're steaming up our flat screens! Either that or our eyes are misting over at the beauty that is Pattinson (we think you're very pretty Kristen, but as we're not following that particular persuasion...).

Okay enough with the hyperbole, but seriously we reckon that the next and third instalment of the Twilight saga should prove to be more risqué than first two films - artfully mastered without offending pubescent twi-hearts (by this we mean their parents) whilst still satisfying its large adult audience – we hope.

Feast your greedy eyes on the goodness below!

Young love, runs free..
It also involves lots of smooching..
And yet more smooching (I'm positively green with envy)..
*Gasp* What would Charlie say?!
Yea, he might be tempted to do this to you too!

What do you guys think of the stills above? Do you know which book scenes the stills refer to? Go on, show off and tell us below in the comments section ;o)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lost the Plot

The sixth and final series (we thought it would never end!) is finally gracing our screens. Can you believe it's been six long years since Oceanic flight 815 crash landed into the island?!  It was exciting, exhilirating and we were quite frankly hooked and bordering on obsessed from the beginning.

Now, we don't know about you but we have some serious questions that we want answered and if it doesn't happen the geeky girls will not be happy.
Can we expect all questions to be answered? 

  • Who or what is Jacob? Is Jacob God? Does he rule more than just the island? Does he rule time itself? This could be the most important question of all...! 
  • Are Charlie and Boon really dead? We saw them die but do we believe it? Will they be making a return in the last season? Our inside sources say that we haven't seen the last of these two...
  • What and where is the Island? - Obviously it's a magical island but we're not entirely sure what the island is, where it is, why it exists and if it rules the likes of Kate, Sawyer, Jack et. al...!? 
  • What do the numbers mean? The sequence of numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 are seemingly random but they crop up again and again - Hurley's lottery numbers, the numbers that have to be punched in on a regular basis or the island will be destroyed, the list goes on...
  • What really happened to Claire? She vanished never to be seen again, but is she still out there? Has she joined 'the others'? Will she be making an apperance this series? We hope so
  • Why were the original islanders 'selected'? - it's surely not random that Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Jack, Locke et. al were selected to crash land on the island - especially when they were sent back there the second time to complete the island. But why?!
  • What is the smoke monster all about? The eerie mist that seems to consume the island at the most inopportune times - why?!
  • What has happened to Locke? We were as suprised as you when Locke apparently rose from the dead. We were even more surprised when he calmy told Ben to kill Jacob. So who the heck is Locke now? The most likely is answer is Jacob's nemesis; the man in black/the smoke monster. But exactly who is that?!
As Lost makes its final voyage we are hoping that it satisfies us...or that will have all been a fantastic waste of time!! : )

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We need YOUR votes!

We need your votes to decide on hottest man to grace our screens in February, so get voting! To help the you along, we've provided you lucky devils with a delectable collection of photos to oogle at your leisure: Click here for the Geeky Girl Gallery!

The rather delicious Aidan Turner (Being Human)

First Look: Latest Eclipse Movie Stills!

It feels like we’ve been waiting with baited breath for ages, but finally - praise the Gods -  stills from the forthcoming Eclipse movie have been released!

Looking loved up and happy (hmm, we don’t remember Bella being happy about much in the book so we’re not sure which scene these photos relate too), Kristen and Rob are seen frolicking in the meadow. Lucky mare.

We don’t know about you, but we’re eagerly awaiting the next installment – photo stills or trailers, we’re not fussy. Come on Summit, we want our appetites well and truly whetted!

Aw, mortal/immortal love..
Jeeze, get a room!

Steven Moffat On Doctor Who

New Doctor Who boss Steven Moffat has revealed that running the show has taken over his life.

"There will be a number of things I'll never, ever write, because I'm doing Doctor Who. There will be a number of things I'll never do because I'm doing Doctor Who," he told the show's official magazine. "Doctor Who is like an eclipse. It blocks out the sun. It's knackering."

The executive producer also admitted that Matt Smith did not fit his "imaginary profile" of the Doctor. "I thought it's mid-30s to mid-40s," he said. "I still maintain that's where most of your Doctors will be, in that age group - young enough to run, but old enough to look like they can be King of the Universe."

But on a more positive note the showrunner went on to proudly claim that his leading cast are "exactly right" for the show.

"All credit to [casting director] Andy Pryor, everyone we saw for the role of Amy was terrific. Genuinely, every single one of them. There wasn't a single bad audition, they were all brilliant.

"Karen was the very last person we saw and she just fitted better. She was just exactly right. And exactly right with Matt, in that she's a bit kookier, I suppose. A bit madder. To this day, I still don't know how Karen didn't know she had got the part. She didn't have a clue. We were all making faces at each other and waving cos she was just so good, so brilliant!"

In other exciting Doctor Who news, the titles and writers of the first three episodes have now been confirmed. The first two episodes of the Matt Smith era, The Eleventh Hour and The Beast Below, will be penned by Steven himself while Mark Gatiss, who appeared as Professor Lazarus in The Lazarus Experiment, has written episode three, Victory Of The Daleks.

Other writers confirmed for Eleventh Doctor's first series include Simon Nye, Chris Chibnall, Gareth Roberts, Toby Whithouse and Richard Curtis. 

And Corlaine author Neil Gaiman is also on board. He cryptically told SFX this week: "While I know it's cruel to make you wait for things, in about 14 months from now, which is to say, NOT in the upcoming season but early in the one after that, it's quite possible that I might have written an episode."

He added: "And if I had, it would originally have been called The House of Nothing. But it definitely isn't called that anymore. Countdown. You've got about 14 months."

Ooh, we do love a good conundrum at Geeky Girl Towers.

Tim Robbins Signs Up For Green Lantern

Shawshank Redemption legend Tim Robbins has signed up to star in the forthcoming Green Lantern movie, according to reports.

The actor will portray Senator Hammond, the disapproving father of the film's villain, pathologist Dr Hector Hammond (Peter Sarsgaard,
Jarhead). In the film, Hector turns to villainy after developing psychic powers, and an enlarged cranium, which he then uses to control others' minds.

Geeky Girls' favourite Ryan Reynolds will play the titular comic book hero Hal Jordan, the first earthling inducted into the intergalactic Green Lantern Corps.
Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively is also signed up as love interest Carol Ferris.

"Amazing Twists" Ahead For Lost

Lost actor Nestor Carbonell has revealed that there are "amazing twists" coming up for the final season.

Nestor, who plays guy-liner fan Richard Alpert on the series, revealed that he was "floored" when he got the script for an upcoming Richard-centric episode.

"We have gotten to that point where there is an episode that deals with the origins of Richard Alpert and the bigger questions about his character, as well as bigger questions about the island and the mythology of it," he told TV Guide.

"After three years playing this character, I was floored when I got the script and I was so excited to actually get to do the episode. They wrote a really tremendous script."

Nestor went on to explain that he has played aspects of Richard that he never thought he would get to explore.

"There are going to be emotional highs and lows for people that you've never seen. With respect to alliances, there's going to be a lot of movement and fluctuations. There will be loyalty, but there's going to be a lot of shifting and power struggle, which is always at play.

"Everyone's mettle is tested in this final season. It's the payoff season where all of those loose ends, or most of them, will be tied. A lot of those big conflicts will be resolved."

Friday, February 5, 2010

Harry Potter's Emma Is Hollywood's Highest Paid Actress

This is not only a day for girl power, it's a day for Geeky Girl power. Harry Potter actress Emma Watson has been named Hollywood's highest paid female star.

The 19-year-old was ranked above the likes of Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker and Angelina Jolie in Vanity Fair's list of LaLa-land's top 40 earners.

Emma, who is also the youngest on the list, was ranked at number 14 having bagged $30million for her two most recent outings as Harry Potter's Hermione Granger.

Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, outdid his co-star in the overall list to become the highest paid actor at number six with an estimated $41million.

Transformers director Michael Bay took the top spot, pulling in an estimated $125million last year. Jealous? Us? Never.

Two New Characters For True Blood

True Blood has been busy signing up new faces for the third season of the sexy vampire drama.

Dawn Oliveri, who you'll recognise as Heroes' Painted Lady, is set to take on the role of female werewolf Janice Herveaux.

Janice is the sister of Alcide (played by the newly cast Joe Manganiello) and is set to appear in the fourth episode of season three. She is described in the report as a tough-as-nails biker chick who’s somewhat protective of her younger brother. She is also into horoscopes and psychics.

Meanwhile, Brit Morgan will play the appropriately named Debbie Pelt, who is described as a psycho villainess werewolf.

The ladies join the previously cast Lindsay Pulsipher, Joe Manganiello, Cooper Huckabee, Alfre Woodward, James Frain, J. Smith-Cameron, Theo Alexander, Shannon Lucio, Kevin Alejandro, Marshall Allman and Denis O’Hare as new faces we can expect to see.

Friday Treat: Lust After Lutz

He might be the unsung hottie of Twilight, but Kellan Lutz's *ahem* 'charms' haven't escaped us at Geeky Girl Towers.

So today we're celebrating Calvin Klein, who chose Kellan to be the face of their new underwear campaign.

And it gets better. True Blood actor Mehcad Brooks, a.k.a Benedict 'Eggs' Talley, is also modeling for the 3D campaign. Yes! 3D!!!

We can't wait to see the full-size billboard version, but here's a taster to whet your appetite.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heroes: Key Character To Be Killed Off?

Look away now, spoiler-phobes. The Geeky Girls have heard word that a major Heroes character could be killed off in the season four finale.

Actor Jack Coleman revealed that the episode, due to air in the States on Mon 8 Feb, could be the last for his character Noah Bennet - aka HRG.

"Claire and HRG are in a terrible predicament together - trapped - and it looks like it may be curtains for HRG!" he said.

"I don't wanna give it away, but there's a lot of relationship development just in the season finale. It's estrangement to reunion to possibly estrangement again. It's a pretty interesting trip."

He added that the finale "breaks things wide open" and "could lead anywhere".

Ooh - looks like things are finally getting interesting.

Watchmen 2? Nooooo!

It might have been a success at the box office, but the Geeky Girls weren't too impressed by the big screen version of Alan Moore's excellent graphic novel, Watchmen.

So we're not too happy to hear that DC Comics is considering turning the book into a movie franchise - and neither, we imagine is Mr Moore.

The comic book genius has famously shunned all suggestion of further adaptations. Moore fell out massively with DC Comics, not only choosing not to work with them any further but scuppering spinoff projects, removing his name from any movie credits, refusing any money due to him from said movies, and taking his one final project The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen from Wildstorm, a publisher DC had purchased.

But in the wake of the movie, the Watchmen comic became DC's best selling publication of all time.

Ex-head of DC Paul Levitz has always been extremely hesitant to tamper with the source material, but with Dan Didio stepping up to the mark and dollar signs ringing from last year's success, there has allegedly been talk of prequels, sequels and more movies.

However, a source denied that a follow-up to the film is in the works.

The insider told Deadline Hollywood: "There is no truth to anything related to a movie sequel. Not a chance by a longshot. With regards to the comics, well, I guess anything is possible. I'll keep my opinion to myself as to whether it's a smart idea to do so."

What do you think? Should Watchmen become a full-on Superman-esque franchise, or should DC leave well enough alone?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Miley Cyrus As God?

Why-oh-why-oh-why the world loves Miley Cyrus is anyone's guess, but they do and we're dealing with it.

That said, we're praying that this latest Supernatural rumour just ain't true.

Word on the grapevine is that show star Misha Collins reckons a cameo from the Disney popstrel would be a spiffing idea.

The actor, who plays renegade angel Castiel, suggested that Miley could be the perfect choice for the role of God if the character ever makes an appearance on screen.

He told Digital Spy: "I have heard rumours that God will appear.

"I have no idea what form God would take, whether they would just do a booming voice or whether they would do something else. They could cast any number of odd characters for the role of God.

"I'm lobbying for Miley Cyrus!"

We think - we hope - we pray that Misha's joking.

Avatar Leads Oscar Nominations

As Avatar is now the highest-grossing worldwide film release of all time, it was impossible that the movie wouldn't top the bill at this week's Oscar nominations also. James Cameron's sci fi epic has clocked up a whopping nine nods from the academy, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Score.

But we were pleased to see a few other sci fi movies in the mix.

District 9 is also up for Best Picture, Adapted Screenplay, Editing and Visual Effects, while Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince could win a gong for Cinematography. Star Trek gets a nod in the Makeup category (presumably for Zachary Quinto's ears alone) and Visual Effects as well as Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.

Even Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen managed to squeeze in with a nomination for, erm... Sound Mixing. Well, you can't win 'em all.

Possibly The Funniest Lost Spoof We've Ever Seen!

The world seems to have gone Lost crazy ahead of the season six premiere this Friday. But amid the various cast interviews, fan theories and spoilers (which we're diligently avoiding, for once) doing the rounds on the interweb is this excellent spoof from the Reduced Shakespeare Company.

The faux-thespians appeared at a special Sky1 event last week to mark the return of Lost with a special, one-off performance which condensed five whole seasons of the show into just 10 minutes. The Geeky Girls were there, and we were laughing our socks off.

Check out the hilarious performance below.

Get more on Lost from Sky1.

Doctor Who to have THREE companions!

Remember the old joke? How many assistants can you fit into a Tardis?

Okay, that was rhetorical, but how many assistants has the good Doctor had at any one time? We only ever remember one full time assistant at the Doctor’s side, and maybe some occasional extras (like Mickey, played by Noel Clark, for example) but it seems our latest reincarnation of Doctor Who is somewhat on the greedy side.

Doctor Who boffs will know that little known actress, Karen Gillan, will play the Time Lords new assistant, kissogram Amy Pond, but apparently we have not one or even two new extra assistants to meet - we have THREE!

Step in to the mix Rory Williams, played by actor Arthur Darvill (see pic). Quick back story, Rory is Amy Pond’s boyfriend! When the Doctor discovers this, he can’t stand to split up the happy couple and so invites Rory to join them on their intergalactic adventures.

The third and final companion is still a mystery and after much digging, Geeky Girls have hit a brick wall, but fear not, as soon as we know, you’ll know.

Personally, we just hope that all these new companions don’t overload the show’s dynamics and make the whole thing seem over-crowded... But on consideration, we reckon this show is too well produced and written for that to happen. And you can quote us on that.

Geeky Girl’s Hunk o’ the Month (January)

Okay, so we realise we’re a tiny bit late with this, but better late than never, no? And we don’t know about you, but we’d happily wait a long, long, long time for January’s winner – Mr Robert Pattinson!

Thanks for voting and you’re clearly not alone in your admiration (and lets face it, adoration) of RPatZ. People magazine voted Robert Pattinson as one of the Sexist Men Alive in 2008 and if you’re a Geeky Girlite, you will have surely noticed our breathy prose in relation to all things RPatZ.

To celebrate our continuing love affair with the PatZ and with his new status as our Hunk of the Month (could there be a better accolade?) here’s some random trivia to spit at your friends and pictures to stare, erm, we mean, occasionally glance at.

  • Rob was born on 13th May 1986. Praise be!
  • He’s rather tall at a strapping 6’ 1”.
  • Rob’s home town is Barnes, London.He supports Arsenal football club, but we won’t hold that against him, no one’s perfect.
  • Rob beat 3,000 other people to win the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight.
  • Rob’s eyes are actually blue/gray – he wears gold tinted contacts in the Twilight saga.
  • He was named as the GQ (UK) Best Dressed Man of 2009. "Extremely elegant and inspiring, the true essence of a contemporary man." Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, D&G.
  • He’s got talented hands – seriously! This is no innuendo, the man is a very talented pianist and can play the classical guitar. Check him out on You Tube with this gorgeous ditty *sigh*. 

Most of us have cottoned on to the Robert Pattinson phenomenon due to the success of the Twilight and Harry Potter franchises, but if you want to delve a little deeper into this particular actor’s body of work and educate yourself or just stare at his pretty face, you can find a complete filmography below.

New Moon (2009) - Twilight (2008) - Little Ashes (2008) - How to Be (2008) - The Summer House (2008) - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - The Bad Mother's Handbook (2007) (TV) - The Haunted Airman (2006) (TV) - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) - Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) - Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited).

Rob has 3 films due for release in 2010, including the hotly anticipated Eclipse. Eeee!

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