Tuesday, February 16, 2010

True Blood: Sam Speaks!

True Blood star Sam Trammell has spilled the beans on what's in store for his character Sam Merlotte - and he's made it clear that he enjoys the trouble his alter ego gets himself in.

"I had a really good one the first season with the connection to Maryanne and the money, and this past year with my parents - I enjoy being in trouble," the actor told Digital Spy. "I enjoy the conflict.

"In a way Sam's the sensible eye in the crazy storm of the show. Any kind of bad situation I could be in - I like the bad situations. Sam in more trouble - more abuse for Sam, that's what I wish for!"

Sam went on to reveal that the show's third season could see the character hunt for his biological parents: "He's probably had a desire to see them, unconsciously, for a while, and that is going to be trouble. Alan Ball is going to torture me again!"

And it doesn't look like Sam's love life is going to run any more smoothly: "I think he'll always carry a torch for Sookie even though at this point he's kind of given up on her. He would still protect her and be concerned about her but he's given up on her although I'm sure that will resurface at some point depending on how many years we do the show!"

But the actor did have a few hints to give away about the Bill-Sookie-Eric love triangle, which we'll see more of during season two. "Obviously we jump off from the books and go our own directions," said Sam. 

"Eric's just such a strong presence. He's going to have a little more power with her and I bet you their romance is going to grow. But she's so connected to Bill - like even more connected to him than in the books - that I don't see Bill going anywhere. I don't know - it's pretty screwed up!"
For our part, the Geeky Girls are firmly on Team Eric - just so you're aware.


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