Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Miley Cyrus As God?

Why-oh-why-oh-why the world loves Miley Cyrus is anyone's guess, but they do and we're dealing with it.

That said, we're praying that this latest Supernatural rumour just ain't true.

Word on the grapevine is that show star Misha Collins reckons a cameo from the Disney popstrel would be a spiffing idea.

The actor, who plays renegade angel Castiel, suggested that Miley could be the perfect choice for the role of God if the character ever makes an appearance on screen.

He told Digital Spy: "I have heard rumours that God will appear.

"I have no idea what form God would take, whether they would just do a booming voice or whether they would do something else. They could cast any number of odd characters for the role of God.

"I'm lobbying for Miley Cyrus!"

We think - we hope - we pray that Misha's joking.


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