Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lost the Plot

The sixth and final series (we thought it would never end!) is finally gracing our screens. Can you believe it's been six long years since Oceanic flight 815 crash landed into the island?!  It was exciting, exhilirating and we were quite frankly hooked and bordering on obsessed from the beginning.

Now, we don't know about you but we have some serious questions that we want answered and if it doesn't happen the geeky girls will not be happy.
Can we expect all questions to be answered? 

  • Who or what is Jacob? Is Jacob God? Does he rule more than just the island? Does he rule time itself? This could be the most important question of all...! 
  • Are Charlie and Boon really dead? We saw them die but do we believe it? Will they be making a return in the last season? Our inside sources say that we haven't seen the last of these two...
  • What and where is the Island? - Obviously it's a magical island but we're not entirely sure what the island is, where it is, why it exists and if it rules the likes of Kate, Sawyer, Jack et. al...!? 
  • What do the numbers mean? The sequence of numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 are seemingly random but they crop up again and again - Hurley's lottery numbers, the numbers that have to be punched in on a regular basis or the island will be destroyed, the list goes on...
  • What really happened to Claire? She vanished never to be seen again, but is she still out there? Has she joined 'the others'? Will she be making an apperance this series? We hope so
  • Why were the original islanders 'selected'? - it's surely not random that Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Jack, Locke et. al were selected to crash land on the island - especially when they were sent back there the second time to complete the island. But why?!
  • What is the smoke monster all about? The eerie mist that seems to consume the island at the most inopportune times - why?!
  • What has happened to Locke? We were as suprised as you when Locke apparently rose from the dead. We were even more surprised when he calmy told Ben to kill Jacob. So who the heck is Locke now? The most likely is answer is Jacob's nemesis; the man in black/the smoke monster. But exactly who is that?!
As Lost makes its final voyage we are hoping that it satisfies us...or that will have all been a fantastic waste of time!! : )


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