Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Look: Twilight, The Graphic Novel

The nice people at Entertainment Weekly have been kind enough to give Twilight fans a sneak peek at the upcoming comic book version of the Geeky Girls' favourite vampire romance.

Stephenie Meyer was involved in the storyboarding for the novel, penned and illustrated by Young Kim, and said of the version: "It takes me back to the days when I was writing Twilight. It’s been a while since I was really able to read Twilight; there is so much baggage attached to that book for me now.

"Reading Young’s version brought me back to the feeling I had when I was writing and it was just me and the characters again. I love that."

We've included a first glimpse at the cover, as well as a preview of one of it's pages below.

Get more on Twilight: The Graphic Novel and read the full Q&A with Stephenie here.

Sam Worthington To Play Dracula?

Avatar hunk Sam Worthington has been linked to Universal's upcoming vampire flick Dracula: Year Zero.

Reports claim that the Aussie actor is favourite to take the lead role in a retelling of Bram Stoker's classic horror story. The film will focus on the true history of Price Vlad and the origins of Dracula.

We'd love to see Sam fanged-up, but there's been no confirmation on this story from either side so for now we'll have to put up with drooling at him in the new Clash Of The Titans remake (Titans will clash, apparently - oh dear, Sam might be the only thing worth watching this movie for).

Orlando Bloom Returns As Legolas?

Not many men could pull off green tights, a long blonde wig and pointy elf ears - but Orlando Bloom isn't most men. So we're thrilled to bits to hear that the actor would consider reprising his Lord Of The Rings role for the upcoming adaptation of The Hobbit.

Orlando revealed to MTV News that he's been in touch with Peter Jackson about playing Legolas Greenleaf in the prequel.

"I shot an e-mail to Pete and I said, 'You know, if you want me to don the blond wig and pointy ears again, I'd be honoured to do it'," he said.

When asked what the response had been, Orlando joked: "He said - funnily enough - 'Well, we'll see'. They're very, very hush-hush," adding
: "It's Guillermo Del Toro's movie and I'm a huge fan of that man. He's obviously going to take his own idea of it, but I'm excited for that movie. I think it's going to be great."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weekly News Round Up: Avatar Storms the Globes, Supernatural Renewed, Torchwood Set For US Remake

There's been plenty going on in sci fi land this week - here's our round up of the best gossip on the grapevine.

***Avatar Scoops Golden Globes Double***
James Cameron's 3D epic won big at the Golden Globes this week, scooping goings for best film (drama) and best director.

Avatar - already the second highest grossing film of all time - fought off competition from a range of critically acclaimed dramas including war thriller The Hurt Locker.

Cameron also gave us the best moment of the evening during his acceptance speech when he quipped: "I'm gonna try to make this as brief as I can 'cos frankly I have to pee something fierce." Brilliant.

***Sixth Season For Supernatural?***
Rumour has it that US network the CW is close to announcing a sixth season renewal for Supernatural.
Show creator Eric Kripke had previously planned to end the series after its current fifth season. The network has yet to release an official statement.

***Stephen Fry For Doctor Who?***
We've long thought that Stephen Fry would make a great addition to the Doctor Who cast so we're pleased to hear that TV's most beloved boffin could soon become involved with the show.

Sadly though, the Fry isn't interested in appearing in front of the camera. But he could be up for penning a script for the show.

At this week's National Television Awards, Stephen admitted that he was approached to pen an episode for David Tennant's 10th Time Lord. "The window passed, and I never really got round to it," he told the BBC. "But I'm very happy to have had the experience of thinking about it."

When asked whether he would like to work on the show in the future, he said: "I look forward so much to seeing Matt Smith and I'm sure he's going to be wonderful. If I get time it'll be a thrill, I can't think of anything nicer."

***Torchwood Set For US Makeover***
The Geeky Girls are particularly excited about this snippet of gossip from accross the pond. Former Doctor Who boss Russell T. Davies is reportedly working on a script for a US version of Torchwood.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Fox network is developing the project following the success of the show on BBC America. The US version will reportedly tackle storylines on a global scale. Whether Torchwood's main man John Barrowman will reprise the role of Captain Jack Harkness is unknown.

***James Marsters Joins Caprica***
We haven't managed to get a look at the glossy new Battlestar Galactica prequel yet, but this latest news guarantees we'll be tuning in when the series comes to Sky1 on Tue 2 Feb.

Buffy The Vampire slayer star and all-round sci fi whore James Marsters is set to appear as Barnabus Greely, an enigmatic and dangerous leading in the monotheist world.

Sounds like Spike minus the fangs - we love it!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Vampire Diaries vs Twilight

The current vampire phenomenon has taken the world of television and cinema by storm. There are obvious comparisons to be drawn between The Vampire Diaries and Twilight Saga – both leading ladies are fascinated by a handsome and extremely mysterious new student (with high cheekbones), who are immediately drawn to one another – both are torn between two guys. Sound familiar?

So, what do we think ladies? Do we prefer one over the other or can we live with them both?

The Vampire Diaries
book series, by LJ Smith, was written from 1991 – a staggering 14 years before Stephanie Moyer’s Twilight Saga. However, the TV series was created after the success of Twilight was clearly evident.

The Vamp Diaries
is not overly heavy on romance; it’s hard hitting and a more traditional Vamp tale (they have fangs for a start) – although equally as sexy I think we would all agree (Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder).

In an early episode of The Vampire Diaries, brooding vampire Damon Salvatore (played by Ian Somerhalder) flips through a book of the Twilight series dismissing it saying ‘This book, by the way, has it all wrong’, scoffing at the mere idea of a ‘sparkling’ vampire. He adds ‘I live in the real world where vampires burn in the sun’. Quite frankly Brilliant!

GGSF Conclusion – We love anything vamp-a-licious and couldn’t live without either – same goes for True Blood by the way.

Monday, January 18, 2010

GG♥SF Visual Treats For 2010

Here at GGSF, we’re forever posing the big questions. You know the type, the sort of questions that make your brain want to implode due to the immense weight of their possibilities. Questions like; should Breaking Dawn really be split into 2 films (this is a no brainer and it pains us to think reputable studio bosses should even consider this!)? Who was best slayer, Buffy or Faith (okay, split opinions here, this geek is firmly Team Buff!)?

But the big question we’ve been mulling over during our wine sozzled soirees is this; which actors - of the sci-fi genre, naturally - are set to be the Geeky Girls' biggest visual treats for 2010?

Russell Tovey and Aiden Turner: Being Human (BBC 3).
GGSF see big things for the immensely enjoyable BBC comedy-drama, Being Human. Set in Bristol, the show focuses on the lives of three twenty-something housemates trying to live normal, human lives, despite struggling with unusual afflictions - one is a werewolf, one is a vampire and the other is a ghost. However it’s the humans they have to fear, not the other way around.

Superbly written and full of intrigue and suspense, Geeky Girls can’t wait to delve further into the second season. It doesn’t hurt that Russell Tovey’s neatly packaged buttocks make increasingly frequent appearances and Aiden Turner’s charismatically sexy magnetism is permanently set to 10. It doesn’t hurt, but it definitely helps.

Now in its second series, we predict Being Human to finally grab the attention of the masses it so thoroughly deserves. So if you haven’t already taken to this supernatural gem of a show, we’d advise you to pick up your remotes and tune in. Take your pick ladies; sexy brooding vampires or terrifyingly hirsute, but usually oh so cute werewolves? It’s greedy to have both you know.

Robert Pattinson: Twilight Series, Eclipse.
Predictable? You’re damn right! We appreciate the fact that Twilight was written for frenzied, hormonal 15 year old girls (and we bloody love it) but Robert Pattinson was most certainly not cast to catch the attention of just 15 year old girls. This man has massive, wide ranging appeal for just about every woman, of every age. The man himself says he has some geriatric fanatics.

For those of you who’ve been sleeping under a rock for the past year, without access to books, TV or films, Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen in the massively successful Twilight saga. The movies, based on Stephanie Meyer’s books, have been huge hits on both sides of the Atlantic, with New Moon (the second film in the series) making history in the US with the biggest opening weekend, EVER. Call us cynical, but we’d say Pattinson was a small part of that success.

GGSF literally thrumming in anticipation of the Eclipse premier! Those warm, golden eyes that literally make our knees knock and our hearts melt will be hitting cinema screens in July. Any future previews and gossip we can scourge will be posted as soon as we lay our grubby little mitts on it. Note: This time, less of the muscle definition spray tan RPatz – go a bit Taylor Lautner on us. Go on.

Stephen Moyer: True Blood (FX).
Easing our smooth transition into yet another vampire themed drama, Stephen Moyer’s portrayal of Bill Compton is the XXX rated version of Edward Cullen. Starring in the Channel 4 comedy-drama, True Blood, this vampire really gets our pulses racing.

If you’re not already acquainted with this down and dirty, supernatural drama (based on the excellent books by Charlaine Harris), let us give you the 411: Based in Bon Temps, Louisiana, in the not too distant future, vampires and humans now try to live together in mainstream society after a new synthetic blood called TruBlood is developed for our thirsty, pointy toothed friends. It’s here that the wickedly delicious Bill Compton encounters telepath, Sookie Stackhouse, who can mysteriously hear everyone’s thoughts but Bill’s. We won’t spoil it for you if you’ve not already watched it, but season one was a hum dinger!

Alas, for the moment, True Blood has wrapped up for the first series, but as reported on the GGSF blog, it will be returning for season 2 on FX, Fri 26 Feb at 10pm. Expect more vampy high-jinks with the seductively southern tongued, Bill the Vampire. We can’t wait, so we’ve been leching over this series 2 trailer on FX:

Matt Smith: Doctor Who (BBC 1).
It feels like blasphemy to even consider embracing a new Doctor to our bosoms when our dearly departed David Tennant has only very recently vacated the Tardis, but GGSF really are rather partial to Matt Smith. Fickle indeed you say, (we still heart the fabulous Tennant) but we have a few choice reasons to propose Mr Smith in this fine male specimen feature.

Firstly, did you see his turn as cute geek, Danny Foster in BBC2’s quietly great political drama, Party Animals? Secondly, we’ve been checking out as much press as possible for his 2010 introduction and with his wonderfully geeky take on science teacher chic and already enjoyable kooky demeanour as the great Doctor, we’re very excited!

Matt told the BBC’s Doctor Who Confidential site, "The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors, and most importantly, to those who watch it. I really cannot wait." Neither can we, Matt, neither can we.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

R-Pattz For Spider-Man 4?

Rumour has it that Twilight star Robert Pattinson is in line to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man.

The news comes after Tobey, who starred as Peter Parker in the first three films in the franchise, announced his decision to quit the role earlier this week. Director Sam Raimi and co-star Kirsten Dunst have also been dropped from the fourth film.

According to reports, Rob is favourite to take the lead role, but Juno actor Michael Cera, Jake Gyllenhaal and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are also apparently in the frame to play the webslinger in the movie which is due for release in 2012

Studio Sony have denied the rumors, telling ET Online: "Our first step is to find a director".

Hmm... GGSF playing Spidey might just be too much sci fi for R-Pattz. He'll always be Edward Cullen to us.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

K-Stew Nominated For BAFTA Rising Star

A big GGSFround of applause for Miss Kristen Stewart – she’s only been nominated for the prestigious Orange BAFTA Rising Star Award!

Kristen, who has had slew of previous roles (notably Into the WIld), is best known for playing Bella Swan, in the cult Twilight series.

Of course K-Stew isn’t the only nomination. Congrats also go to Tahar Rahim, Carey Mulligan, Nicolas Hoult and Jessie Eisenberg. We’re betting on Nicolas Hoult, but we obviously have a lot of love for K-Stew and Jesse Eisenberg, who was excellent in 2009’s film, Zombieland.

The Orange BAFTA Rising Star Award is decided by the public and is already recognised as setting the standard for identifying up-and-coming acting talent in the film industry.

Previous winners of the award include Eva Green, Shia LeBeouf (although he’ll always be La Buff to us) and Noel Clarke, who starred as Mickey Smith in Doctor Who and wrote Kidulthood and Adulthood.

So, who do you think should win?

Two Movies For Twilight: Breaking Dawn?

Rumour has it that movie bosses are planning to begin filming on the fourth and final installment of the Twilight franchise later this year. But whether the book will be split into two movies is unclear.

Producer Wyck Godfrey told the Los Angeles Times: "It's a work in process. The issue is not going to be resolved until we get the full treatment and see whether it's organic.

"If it's not organic, I don't think it will be done, and if it is, it will be. It really has to do with how much level of detail from the books there is, with all of these new vampires that appear in Breaking Dawn, the whole section about Jacob... It's a very long single movie if it does become a single movie."

Writing on her official website, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer commented: "My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I've said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I'm all for it. Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I've spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way."

She added: "We're all excited to move forward on this, and we are slowly and surely getting there."

The GGSF can't get enough of Twilight, so we're happy to see the franchise run as long as possible - but what do you think?

True Blood Season 2 Return Confirmed

Good news for True Blood fans. GGSF fave dirty vampire drama is set to return to UK screens on FX on Fri 26 Feb at 10pm.

The second season will see the stakes raised in Bon Temps when a Christian mission attempts to wipe out the vampire race.

Hmm... with show star Rutina Wesley (Tara) suggesting that the show could run for "six seasons or more", we doubt the haters will succeed.

Rutina told SciFiNow: "
People seem to think that True Blood is going to be one of those shows that will run for five or six seasons if not more."

She added: "It's going to depend on audience ratings and stuff like that, but I can't imagine it not running for a long time because the books are just so juicy and Alan Ball has also made everything so vibrant, colourful and imaginative.

"I think it's going to be a show that people are going to be dying to watch for a long time."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is Heroes Here To Stay?

We confess, we were certain that the axe was set to swing after Heroes' fourth season, but apparently the series may be given another chance.

After months of speculation, US network NBC has described the chances of the show returning for a fifth season as "very good".

Speaking at the TV Critics Association press tour, the network's president Angela Bromstad revealed that the show's creator Tim Kring will be pitching his ideas for a new season in the coming weeks and she believes it stands a decent chance of coming back.

Hmm... it all sounds very non-committal to GGSF. We'll believe it when we see it.

Facinelli Talks Twilight: Eclipse

With all the Team Edward / Team Jacob fuss, a few easy-on-the eye cast members of the Twilight franchise are often overlooked.

In our humble opinion, Peter Facinelli, aka the gentle and adorable vampire daddy Carlisle Cullen, is one of those who are woefully short on screen time.

Thankfully, the actor says that we're set to see Carlisle come into his own in Eclipse.

"What I love about the third movie is that you get to see a side of Carlisle you haven't seen before and what his vampire capabilities really are," Peter revealed at a recent press conference. "There are some really great battle sequences. It's my favorite book."

The actor went on to explain his approach when it comes to his character: "Because Carlisle has been around for so long, I think that he's very well educated and what I love about him is he has a real love for humanity. I'm playing a vampire who is trying to be human.

"When you look at something like Twilight, the good vampires aren't necessarily good, they're just eccentric. The bad vampires are just doing what they're born to do and made to do. It's kind of like domesticating a lion. For me, Carlisle is just holding on to that humanity. He doesn't want to be a vampire."

Strength, speed and supernatural good looks? We'd swap places with him anytime.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tovey For Torchwood?

We all loved Russell Tovey's innuendo-heavy cameo in David Tennant's final episode of Doctor Who, but Torchwood star John Barrowman has hinted that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge moment could mean bigger things for Midshipman Alonso Frame.

The actor reckons Alonso could be "the perfect companion" for Captain Jack. Ooh-er.

"What I'd love, what I think would be great, is if Midshipman Frame became Jack's companion in Torchwood," John told Doctor Who magazine. "It'd be like Batman and Robin. Of course I'm Batman. He's Robin."

Yeah, sure you are John.

The pair also got a bit gushy, insisting they have great chemistry.

"You don't have to think about it much," said John. "I can tell that Russell is probably flirtatious in real life."

Russell added: "It's in the writing as well, isn't it? The dialogue between us is only four lines, but you know that Captain Jack and Midshipman Frame are flirting outrageously."

Oh, get a room you two.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Five Resolutions For 2010

Join a gym; stop biting nails; stop spending, start saving; actually read one of the classic novels we claim to be an expert on; and write a journal are all former failed New Year's resolutions of the Geeky Girls.

But this year is going to be different. This year, we're coming up with a list of resolutions we actually want to keep. And we reckon you might be up for keeping a couple of them too.

1. Get a new Doctor...
New Doctor Who Matt Smith made his debut in the Tardis on New Year's day, but opinion on
whether the nation will take him to our bosom in the same way we did David Tennant is still divided. In our humble opinion, the time is right for a new doc.

His unfortunate catchphrase ("geronimooo") aside, we were mightily impressed by Matt's first few minutes on screen. He's energetic, funny and just the right side of weird. Bring on Doctor Who series 5 (BBC1: Spring).

2. Pick a side...
The never-ending Twi-hard dilemma has long been discussed at GG HQ, but we reckon it's time we decided which way we swing.

So which will it be? Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Edward might have had us from "trust me", but never did a lady have a fictional suitor so devoted as Jacob Black. All in all, it's a nice choice to have. Smouldering, romantic, gentleman vampire versus hot, funny and spontaneous werewolf.

Oh who are we kidding? We're never going to be able to make this choice, but perhaps Eclipse (coming to a cinema near you in July) will help us to make up our minds. After the Edward-centric Twilight and the Jacob-focussed New Moon, this film should be a fair fight.

3. Find the strength to carry on...

As ladies, we reserve the right to be flighty on occasion and change our minds whenever the fancy takes us. But sometimes, it's character building to stick with something until the bitter end.

And 2010 could mark the beginning of the end for sci-fi fan favourite Heroes, a show which started with so much promise but sadly recently declined into a garbled jumble of gobbledegook made tolerable only by Zachary Quinto's compelling performance as super-powered psycho, Sylar.

Industry insiders reckon the show's fifth 'chapter' Redemption (BBC2: Sat 9 Jan, 10pm) will be it's finale, saying: "Everyone is expecting this to be the last season. The cast, the crew, everyone." So we're crossing our fingers and hoping desperately that the series will return to its former glory and go out with a big bang.

4. Get Lost...
Lost is another show that the Geeky Gi
rls have had a bittersweet relationship with. But this year, as the show reaches it's (presumably epic) conclusion, we're determined to get it.

Who is Jacob? What is the island? Is Locke the second coming? Will Kate choose Jack or Sawyer?

Mark our words sci fi fans, there will be no big question marks hanging over our heads by the time season 6 (Sky1: Feb) is done. Even if we have to threaten Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse with actual bodily harm.

Oh yeah, we mean it.

5. Jump on the vamp-wagon...

Ok, as Buffy experts, True Blood aficionados and near-obsessive Twi-hards it's not like the vampire phenomenon is new to us. But since Twilight took over the world 2010 is set to be a vintage year for vamp-fans.

Described as a cross between Blade and 28 Days Later, vampire thriller Daybreakers starring Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke has achieved impressive reviews for its new take on an ancient story.

On the small screen, huge US hit The Vampire Diaries comes to the UK at the end of this month (ITV2: Sun 24 Jan, 9pm). A sexy cast (Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley and Lost alumni Ian Somerhalder) and a Twilight-alike plotline mean we'll definitely be tuning in.

And last, but certainly not least, we're pleased to have the Beeb's excellent Being Human back on our screens (BBC3: Sun 10 Jan, 9.30pm). We're not cheating, there's a vampire in it, and the delicious Aidan Turner has promised that series two will be darker as the threesome try to make their way in the human world.

Twilight: Eclipse Script Leaked!

The Geeky Girls have been silent over Christmas and New Year due to fabulous festivities and far too much mulled wine, but we're back with some exciting Twilight news to kick off 2010!

Jackson Rathbone's copy of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse script has apparently been leaked online! Eek!

According to Deadline Hollywood
, the document is an early version of the script and not the final shooting draft director David Slade is working from.

Summit Entertainment have said the leak is a bunch of hooey. A spokesman told MTV news yesterday: "There is absolutely no merit to this claim. We noticed it over the holiday on multiple message boards and sites, and it appears that some of this was spam."

Spam it may be, but that didn't stop us from downloading immediately and devouring from start to finish.

Fellow Twi-hards who want a sneak peek can get it