Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse Script Leaked!

The Geeky Girls have been silent over Christmas and New Year due to fabulous festivities and far too much mulled wine, but we're back with some exciting Twilight news to kick off 2010!

Jackson Rathbone's copy of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse script has apparently been leaked online! Eek!

According to Deadline Hollywood
, the document is an early version of the script and not the final shooting draft director David Slade is working from.

Summit Entertainment have said the leak is a bunch of hooey. A spokesman told MTV news yesterday: "There is absolutely no merit to this claim. We noticed it over the holiday on multiple message boards and sites, and it appears that some of this was spam."

Spam it may be, but that didn't stop us from downloading immediately and devouring from start to finish.

Fellow Twi-hards who want a sneak peek can get it


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