Friday, January 22, 2010

Vampire Diaries vs Twilight

The current vampire phenomenon has taken the world of television and cinema by storm. There are obvious comparisons to be drawn between The Vampire Diaries and Twilight Saga – both leading ladies are fascinated by a handsome and extremely mysterious new student (with high cheekbones), who are immediately drawn to one another – both are torn between two guys. Sound familiar?

So, what do we think ladies? Do we prefer one over the other or can we live with them both?

The Vampire Diaries
book series, by LJ Smith, was written from 1991 – a staggering 14 years before Stephanie Moyer’s Twilight Saga. However, the TV series was created after the success of Twilight was clearly evident.

The Vamp Diaries
is not overly heavy on romance; it’s hard hitting and a more traditional Vamp tale (they have fangs for a start) – although equally as sexy I think we would all agree (Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder).

In an early episode of The Vampire Diaries, brooding vampire Damon Salvatore (played by Ian Somerhalder) flips through a book of the Twilight series dismissing it saying ‘This book, by the way, has it all wrong’, scoffing at the mere idea of a ‘sparkling’ vampire. He adds ‘I live in the real world where vampires burn in the sun’. Quite frankly Brilliant!

GGSF Conclusion – We love anything vamp-a-licious and couldn’t live without either – same goes for True Blood by the way.


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