Monday, January 18, 2010

GG♥SF Visual Treats For 2010

Here at GGSF, we’re forever posing the big questions. You know the type, the sort of questions that make your brain want to implode due to the immense weight of their possibilities. Questions like; should Breaking Dawn really be split into 2 films (this is a no brainer and it pains us to think reputable studio bosses should even consider this!)? Who was best slayer, Buffy or Faith (okay, split opinions here, this geek is firmly Team Buff!)?

But the big question we’ve been mulling over during our wine sozzled soirees is this; which actors - of the sci-fi genre, naturally - are set to be the Geeky Girls' biggest visual treats for 2010?

Russell Tovey and Aiden Turner: Being Human (BBC 3).
GGSF see big things for the immensely enjoyable BBC comedy-drama, Being Human. Set in Bristol, the show focuses on the lives of three twenty-something housemates trying to live normal, human lives, despite struggling with unusual afflictions - one is a werewolf, one is a vampire and the other is a ghost. However it’s the humans they have to fear, not the other way around.

Superbly written and full of intrigue and suspense, Geeky Girls can’t wait to delve further into the second season. It doesn’t hurt that Russell Tovey’s neatly packaged buttocks make increasingly frequent appearances and Aiden Turner’s charismatically sexy magnetism is permanently set to 10. It doesn’t hurt, but it definitely helps.

Now in its second series, we predict Being Human to finally grab the attention of the masses it so thoroughly deserves. So if you haven’t already taken to this supernatural gem of a show, we’d advise you to pick up your remotes and tune in. Take your pick ladies; sexy brooding vampires or terrifyingly hirsute, but usually oh so cute werewolves? It’s greedy to have both you know.

Robert Pattinson: Twilight Series, Eclipse.
Predictable? You’re damn right! We appreciate the fact that Twilight was written for frenzied, hormonal 15 year old girls (and we bloody love it) but Robert Pattinson was most certainly not cast to catch the attention of just 15 year old girls. This man has massive, wide ranging appeal for just about every woman, of every age. The man himself says he has some geriatric fanatics.

For those of you who’ve been sleeping under a rock for the past year, without access to books, TV or films, Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen in the massively successful Twilight saga. The movies, based on Stephanie Meyer’s books, have been huge hits on both sides of the Atlantic, with New Moon (the second film in the series) making history in the US with the biggest opening weekend, EVER. Call us cynical, but we’d say Pattinson was a small part of that success.

GGSF literally thrumming in anticipation of the Eclipse premier! Those warm, golden eyes that literally make our knees knock and our hearts melt will be hitting cinema screens in July. Any future previews and gossip we can scourge will be posted as soon as we lay our grubby little mitts on it. Note: This time, less of the muscle definition spray tan RPatz – go a bit Taylor Lautner on us. Go on.

Stephen Moyer: True Blood (FX).
Easing our smooth transition into yet another vampire themed drama, Stephen Moyer’s portrayal of Bill Compton is the XXX rated version of Edward Cullen. Starring in the Channel 4 comedy-drama, True Blood, this vampire really gets our pulses racing.

If you’re not already acquainted with this down and dirty, supernatural drama (based on the excellent books by Charlaine Harris), let us give you the 411: Based in Bon Temps, Louisiana, in the not too distant future, vampires and humans now try to live together in mainstream society after a new synthetic blood called TruBlood is developed for our thirsty, pointy toothed friends. It’s here that the wickedly delicious Bill Compton encounters telepath, Sookie Stackhouse, who can mysteriously hear everyone’s thoughts but Bill’s. We won’t spoil it for you if you’ve not already watched it, but season one was a hum dinger!

Alas, for the moment, True Blood has wrapped up for the first series, but as reported on the GGSF blog, it will be returning for season 2 on FX, Fri 26 Feb at 10pm. Expect more vampy high-jinks with the seductively southern tongued, Bill the Vampire. We can’t wait, so we’ve been leching over this series 2 trailer on FX:

Matt Smith: Doctor Who (BBC 1).
It feels like blasphemy to even consider embracing a new Doctor to our bosoms when our dearly departed David Tennant has only very recently vacated the Tardis, but GGSF really are rather partial to Matt Smith. Fickle indeed you say, (we still heart the fabulous Tennant) but we have a few choice reasons to propose Mr Smith in this fine male specimen feature.

Firstly, did you see his turn as cute geek, Danny Foster in BBC2’s quietly great political drama, Party Animals? Secondly, we’ve been checking out as much press as possible for his 2010 introduction and with his wonderfully geeky take on science teacher chic and already enjoyable kooky demeanour as the great Doctor, we’re very excited!

Matt told the BBC’s Doctor Who Confidential site, "The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors, and most importantly, to those who watch it. I really cannot wait." Neither can we, Matt, neither can we.


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