Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sam Worthington To Play Dan Dare?

Although in the early stages of production, reports suggest that Sam Worthington (Avatar, Clash of the Titans) is to play Dan Dare in the latest comic book movie.

Dan Dare was a British sci-fi comic hero in the 1950's originally created by Frank Hampson. The stories were set in the '90's but the dialogue and manner of the characters were reminiscent of 1950's Britain. However the rumoured Sam Worthington movie would be based on the rebooted version by Garth Ennis through Virgin Comics in 2008.

Dan Dare was the chief pilot of the Interplanet Space Fleet. Although he wasn't exactly a super hero, he pulled off exceptional piloting skills, excelled at jiu jitsu and was extraordinarily lucky. 

Talking to MTV, Sam states "We're seeing how they're going to develop it and where they want it to go. I'm at that stage now where I want to do movies where I get my $16 worth.

"Something like Dan Dare, there was something in the reboot by [Garth Ennis] that was amazing."

We think this sounds like an interesting venture and looking forward to another comic book movie gracing our screens. Quite frankly anything with Sam Worthington in it is a winner for us.

Stephenie Meyer Pens New Novella

Twilight author and all-round Geeky Girls goddess Stephenie Meyer is set to publish a new novella (that's short story to you and us) about a vampire briefly introduced in Eclipse.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will tell the story of Victoria's newborn vampire army as they prepare to attack Bella and the Cullens.

The novella is being published for charity and will release at 12.01am on the 5th June. $1 from each sale will be donated to the American Red Cross International Response Fund.
And, as an extra special treat, from the 7th June to the 5th July, fans will be able to read the book for free online at

On her official site Stephenie, who considers the novella a gift to devoted fans (why thank you Stephenie!), revealed that the story was something she'd started working on while editing Eclipse: "I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. 

"Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.

"This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. I really hope you all enjoy this story. I had a blast writing it. I'm glad that after all this time cooling her heels in my files, Bree finally gets her chance to shine."

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, director David Slade, and actors Xavier Samuel (Riley), Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria), and Jodelle Ferland (Bree) were all allowed to read 'Bree Tanner' before cameras rolled to better understand the characters so it'll be interesting to see the impact this short story has on the big screen.

Star Trek To Begin Filming At Christmas?

Simon Pegg (we heart you!) has let slip that the next instalment in the Star Trek movie series could begin filming around Christmas - cue lots of frantic Trekkies trawling the 'net for news.

Speaking to Empire Online at the Empire Awards, Simon, who plays Montgomery “Scotty” Scott said, “It might be a similar time to when we did the last one, so over Christmas kind of thing”.

Also confirmed to star in the scheduled, but as yet untitled, 2012 film release are; Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock and dare we say it.. hot? We dare) and Zoe Saldana (Uhura). The film will be directed by J.J Abrams.

Amusingly, when asked what he hoped would happen to his character in the new movie the actor replied he’d like to have sex with an attractive green alien. We guess the attractive part rules out a cross over appearance from Jabba then?

Summit Release New Eclipse Stills!

Good morning! Now, how about an early Easter treat, Twi-hards? Summit have kindly released new Eclipse stills for us to drool over - yay!

We have the delectable Edward and the delicious Jacob facing off here (the school scene any one?).

Jacob and Bella listening to old tribe stories at the Quileute council gathering.

Assorted members of the Cullen coven – we reckon they’re either pre-fight or just about to meet the wolf pack.

For us, the Twilight series is like a fiercely addictive, guilty pleasure. It’s like our very own brand of heroin (we’re referencing Twilight here – not being overly melodramatic or condoning drug use!) and Summit is our supplier. And like any wizened purveyor, Summit are drip-feeding us Eclipse stills, trailers and gossip, fully aware that our addictive need will only escalate. Crafty.

So be assured Twi-hearts, Twi-hards and Twi-who-cares, we’ll be posting more!

All photos belong to Summit Entertainment, LLC.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Tardis Gets A Makeover!

First a new Doctor, then a new companion and now a newly remodeled Tardis! Moffat, you’re spoiling us. The Radio Times has released world-exclusive images of the brand spanking new Tardis for your viewing pleasure.

Geeky Girls like the new look of the Tardis – we feel it has been long due a style overhaul. In our humble opinion the old time machine looked far too dark and dingy in contrast to the perpetually bright and cheerful character of the Doctor.

The new version is bright, futuristic but still has hints and fixtures from the old Tardis – like the central hexagonal control panel. And there are new bits too! Notice the gang ways leading into new and unexplored parts of the Tardis? Will we be seeing more of the Tardis in future? Intriguing!

We also like the image of the new 11th Doctor and his companion, Amy Pond. This pair look very twenty-ten darling.

Doctor Who starts on Saturday 3 April at 6:20pm on BBC1 and BBC HD! 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sci Fi Triumphs At Empire Awards

In stark contrast to this year's Oscars, our favourite genre has triumphed at the 2010 Empire Film Awards.

James Cameron's 3D epic Avatar picked up best film, best director prize, and best actress for Zoe Saldana.

Meanwhile, Sir Ian "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" McKellen of Lord Of The Rings and X-Men fame picked up the Empire Icon award.

Sir Ian said: "I've played iconic parts - I think that's the point. I played Gandalf the Grey and the White and Magneto. So their lustre rubs off on me rather than the other way round."
His Lord Of The Rings co-star Andy Serkis was "surprised" and, we presume, rather chuffed to be given the inspiration award at the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Star Trek took the top spot in the the sci-fi/fantasy category. Having collected the award, star Simon Pegg told the BBC: "It's nice to see some recognition. Star Trek was a hard thing to do, JJ did it with amazing aplomb. He took a story that people were starting to lose interest in - in the mainstream - and brought it back to a larger audience."

Continuing the sci fi connection, Kick Ass actor Aaron Johnson picked up best newcomer for his portrayal of a young John Lennon in Nowhere Boy.

And it was the icing on the proverbial cake to see fantastic Swedish vampire flick Let The Right One In get a gong too - this time for best horror.

It's official people. Le geek is chic again.

3D Release For Harry Potter

There might only be two more movies to go in the Harry Potter series, but producer David Heyman has hinted that all the films could get a 3D re-release.

"Those discussions haven't yet happened, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time," Heyman said regarding Potter in 3D. "You know what? I actually shouldn't say that. Who knows? It would be great. You can never tell. I hope so."

The two-part Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows adaptation will be screened in 3D, however Heyman admitted that the conversion process hasn't started yet.

"Frankly, we are still in the process of discussing methodology," he noted. "We have quite a lot of time to work and hone and hopefully perfect each and every sequence. We are not on a compressed schedule. This is something that was built in very early on, and we think we will achieve the very best quality we can."

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 will arrive in cinemas this November.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ashes To Ashes: New Season 3 Trailer!

As you may have noticed, we're pretty excited about the return of the final series of BBC drama, Ashes To Ashes.

We've been promised by the shows producers that we will finally learn about Gene Hunt's identify, the fate of Alex Drake and what really happened to Sam Tyler? As the tag line says, "in the end, the truth will out" - Good!

Lenora Crichlow; Geeky Girls Woman Of The Month

It’s a first on the Geeky Girl site, but you guys clearly loved our new Woman of the Month feature with Lenora receiving 30% more votes than your chosen Man of the Month! Double congratulations to Miss Crichlow!

And you guys have good reason to have afforded Lenora your cherished votes; she’s bloody marvelous, a fantastic actress with the ability to glide effortlessly from dismayed angst one moment to a razor sharp comic timing the next. In short, Lenora is immensely talented and hugely likeable.

Lenora first came to our attention when she burst on to our screens as the provocative, often selfishly motivated but strangely vulnerable and likeable Maria “Sugar” Sweet, in the Channel 4 teen drama Sugar Rush (adapted from Julie Burchill’s novel).

The show was a success and even won the 2006 International Emmy Award in the 'Children And Young People' category. But, fact fans, did you know that Lenora’s first foray into the acting world came when she won a part in a small budget UK horror film, Wilderness?

In fact, trivia darlings, Lenora has always kept close to the sci-fi fold. In 2007 she appeared alongside David Tenant in the Doctor Who episode “Gridlock”, playing expectant mother, Cheen. The episode was so-so (which is still pretty good when measured against a lot of the other Saturday night guff) but Lenora, as ever stood out.

It wasn’t long later that the BBC announced they had cast Lenora in its new sci-fi drama, Being Human. A thoroughly brilliant and suspiciously addictive programme, it is the cult show of the moment.

Being Human is centred around the lives of 3 supernatural beings who share a house in Bristol. Lenora plays a character called Annie Sawyer, a ghost who hasn't "moved on". If you've not yet caught Being Human, we seriously urge you to do so. Get hip. Get down with the kids and all that. But seriously, Lenora acts her socks off, she is fantastic. Proof that once again, you GG Bods really do have astute taste.

Random Lenora Facts:
  • Lenora was born in Westminster, London
  • Her star sign is Capricorn
  • She honed her craft with the YoungBlood Theatre Company
  • Lenora will be returning to Doctor Who! She will play a new character called Rachel in the Audio release of Doctor Who: The Architects of History
  • Lenora’s father ran the Mangrove restaurant in Notting Hill which was visited by stars such as Jimi Hendrix and Diana Ross!

Milo Ventimiglia; Geeky Girls Man Of The Month

Oh you guys! We must somehow be transferring our fixations on to you, because you continuously choose our favourite hottie in the monthly poll and this time is no different – hello Mr Milo Ventimiglia!

Serious crushes on Milo have struck each and every Geeky Girl and we can’t deny that it was his rather luscious face as opposed to his acting prowess that first caught our attention. But don’t let this trivial fact deter from his rather impressive portfolio.

Until Heroes we must confess that we knew little (okay, nowt) about Milo, but it turns out he was a pretty big deal across the pond in the States. Popular for his role as the complex Jess in the Gilmor Girls, Ventimiglia had already worked extensively in both TV and film, appearing in Boston Public, American Dreams and the Opposite Sex.

However it was when NBCs Heroes hit our screens that Milo’s star really started to soar. Playing nurse, Peter Petrelli, Ventimiglia’s character discovers he is a hero, with the ability to mimic the power of anyone else with a supernatural gift.

Heroes has been a massive hit across the world, making Ventimiglia a household name (although most of us can’t pronounce it, but we’ll get to that in a bit).

As we mentioned, Ventimiglia has made the smooth transition into films. His biggest and most notable role to date was in the sixth and final Rocky Balboa film, playing the big guy’s son. Milo obsessives should check out Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson thriller Cursed and horror flick, Pathology.

So there we go – another month, another deserving man. Good picking GG bods. We salute you.

Random Milo Facts:
  • He has been a vegetarian since childhood
  • His favourite bands are The Strokes, The Deftones and a Tribe Called Quest (this author likes all these bands, so Milo, if you’re reading…? No? No.)
  • Milo isn’t just a pretty face, no siree, he co-owns production company Divide Pictures with best friend Russ Cundiff
  • In 2009 Milo was ranked #2 on DC's list of Hottest Comic Hunks, losing the #1 spot to Hugh Jackman
  • Milo is of Sicilian Italian descent on his father's side and a combination of Irish, English, Scottish, French, Cherokee and Blackfoot heritage on his mother's.
  • He’s uber t-total – no cigs, no booze
  • He starred in Fergie’s music video, Big Girls Don’t Cry (looks uber yummy too Milo fans)
  • And finally, if you have no freaking clue how to pronounce his surname (should you meet him, naturally), GG are here to the rescue: VEN (as in VENice)- TEE - ME - LIA (as in "LIAison")

Malkovich And McDormand For Transformers 3

Michael Bay has added some heavyweight actors to the cast of the next Transformers movie.

Deadline Hollywood reports that John Malkovich is set to portray the first boss of Shia LaBeouf's character Sam Witwicky, while his Burn After Reading co-star Frances McDormand will play the National Intelligence Director. Also on board is The Hangover actor Ken Jeong.

Shooting is set to begin next month.

Paul WS Anderson To Direct Buck Rogers 3D

Resident Evil director Paul WS Anderson has signed up to helm the new 3D big screen version of 1920s space hero Buck Rogers.

The original comic tells the story of a fighter pilot (in the 1970s TV series, a NASA astronaut) who falls into suspended animation and wakes up in the 25th century, almost immediately joining the military corps of the day.

Iron Man Scriptwriters Art Marcum and Matt Holloway are reportedly penning the first draft, but the plot is being kept firmly under wraps and no production start date has been announced for the project.

Angela Bassett Signs Up For Green Lantern

According to reports, Oscar-nominated actress Angela Bassett has signed up to star in upcoming superhero flick Green Lantern.

The actress will play DC Comics' evil scientist, Dr. Amanda Waller (currently portrayed by Pam Grier in Smallville).

Angela joins Ryan Reynolds, Mark Strong, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard and Tim Robins for the film which is currently shooting in New Orleans.

Green Lantern is expected to hit screens in June 2011.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's official - Chris Evans to play Captain America

The Geeky Girl rumours have been confirmed. It's official that Chris Evans (The Human Torch in Fantastic Four) will be playing the lead role in the most talked about comic book movie of the year The First Avenger: Captain America. 

We think he was the best thing about the Fantastic Four movies, so we're looking forward to him bringing some of that feistyness to his Captain America role.

The rumoured release date is 22nd July 2011, so we've got a bit of time to wait to see a lycra clad Mr Evans in all his superhero glory, and we will be counting the days!

Kick Ass Star wants more female superheroes, yeah!

Aaron Johnson (Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging) star of Kick-Ass votes that there should be more female superheroes. And we certainly love his thinking! 

The British actor praised his 12-year old co-star Chloe Moretz in the new comic book movie Kick-Ass.

He states 'You need a few more women superheroes and this is a young girl'. 'She's the one who kicks ass really and that's what it's all about. It's good and it's funny.'

Here here. Get your capes out ladies, it's time to don some tights and kick some ass.

Iron Man 2 Poster Debut

Check out the new Iron Man 2 Poster guys and gals.

We surely can't wait for Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Samuel L. Jackson et. al to grace our screens. Not long now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Eclipse Poster Released!

Check it out Twi-hards. A brand new theatrical promo poster has been released!

The poster sees Bella, Edward and Jacob (the boys get equal face space this time round) looking broody and features the tag line: "It all begins... With a choice." We're loving the melodrama.

First Look: Doctor Who Episode 1

There are only 11 days left until Matt Smith makes his glorious debut as the Doctor (BBC1 / HD: Sat 3 Apr).

We've already told you why we think you should tune in, but as an additional treat we've hunted down a few spoiler pics to get you excited about the new series.

Kellan Lutz To Play Poseidon In War Of The Gods?

Twilight lovely (and CK model extraordinaire) Kellan Lutz has signed up to play God of the Sea Poseidon in the upcoming mythological film, War Of The Gods, according to reports.

Kellan, who starred as Emmett Cullen in the ridiculously successful Twilight series, will join Mickey Rourke and Freida Pinto when production for the film gets into full swing, overseen by director Tarsem Singh (The Cell).

War Of The Gods is about a young warrior prince who leads his troops into battle alongside the Greek Gods to defeat the Titans, a group of evil deities. Good premise, good cast; we’re keeping an eye on this one.

As of yet there has been no confirmation on Kellan's character’s wardrobe, but if you’re listening movie execs we think in this case less is most definitely more.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Steven Moffat: "No Cameos For New Doctor Who"

Since we shared a lift with Steven Moffat at last week's Doctor Who launch, we can't help but feel a kind of kinship with the newly crowned king of TV's biggest sci-fi show.

Which doesn't have anything to do with our latest bit of Who-related news whatsoever, but we're proud to have spent a full minute (ish) in the company of such a man without a) squealing with delight and asking for his autograph or b) dropping to one knee and begging him for a job.


In an interview with someone else (The Guardian, if you must know), The Moff has revealed that he's resisted temptation to include cameos from previous Doctor Who characters in this new series.

"The more you back-reference, the more it feels like a sequel and the sequel is never as good as the original," he explained.

"Old favourites can return, provided you can do something new and exciting with them. There are no past characters coming back in this series, but I imagine that kids would love to see Captain Jack meet the new Doctor."

Kids? Never mind the kids Steven. WE would LOVE to see Captain Jack meet the new Doctor.

But in all seriousness, while we love a good comeback maybe it'll be nice to watch a series finale without suffering the schmaltzy, sentimental reunion so favoured by Russell T. Davies. Though that's not to say we wouldn't appreciate an appearance from Rose Tyler et al at some point...

Alan Ball: "No Bubba For True Blood"

Since True Blood became our favourite vampire-centric show du jour we've had this niggling feeling that something is seriously missing from the series.

Just where is Sookie's faithful bodyguard Bubba?

Unfortunately, show creator Alan Ball has revealed that the character is never likely to appear.

Alan told Entertainment Weekly's Mike Ausiello that he couldn't figure out a way to introduce Bubba "without it being cheesy".

He added: "I don't know how to do it without either using an Elvis impersonator, which is cheesy, or having somebody and never seeing their face, just hearing their voice — and to me that sounds equally cheesy.

"So that's just one of the casualties of the transfer from book to screen."

Colour us extremely disappointed.

Torchwood To Turn Captain Jack?

Not one to keep his mouth shut, John Barrowman has been stirring that big old gossip pot again. This time, the actor has spoken out about the upcoming US version of his Doctor Who spinoff, Torchwood.

The actor told Entertainment Weekly that he'd be disappointed if the American-ified series tinkered with his character's sexuality.

"I hope wherever it goes that the show stays the same," he daid. "The last thing I would want would be for Jack to become this heterosexual, straight hero. He’s an omnisexual guy. He likes men, women, aliens, whatever. I think we should continue going down that route."

The actor reckoned that any effort to de-gay Captain Jack would mean a "really big discussion," adding that it would ultimately be up to series creator Russell T. Davies and producing partner Julie Gardner to fight that battle.

John also said that, though he has "no information" about the series, he'd be thrilled to reprise the role. "Julie has said, as has Russell, that there will be no Torchwood without John Barrowman as Captain Jack, he revealed.

"If I am asked to do Torchwood again, I will do it at the drop of a hat — whether it’s in America or back in Britain or if it’s for a film. I absolutely love Captain Jack."

As do we John, as do we.

Chris Evans To Play Captain America?

Rumour has it that Fantastic Four's Chris Evans (Johnny Storm) has been offered the lead in Marvel's forthcoming movie version of Captain America, despite never auditioning for the role.

If the deal goes through, Chris could potentially star in up to three America movies plus The Avengers franchise, as well as appearances in several other related comic book series'.

The actor already has a relationship with Marvel due to his involvement in the Fantastic Four franchise. There is some question as to whether fans would accept an actor who played a Marvel superhero just a few years ago, but given that the movies were not well embraced, with no one faulting the actors, he might have a clean slate with fans as Captain America.

Chris also appears in the DC Comics adaptation The Losers and Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Edgar Wright's adaptation of the Oni Press graphic novel series. Furthering the superhero connection, he also starred in the poorly received sci fi teen flick Push.

Marvel has not confirmed the development, and Creative Artists Agency, which represents the actor, have so far declined to comment.

New Eclipse Sneak Peek!

As Twilight fever amongst our fellow Twi-hards has picked up good and proper since the release of the New Moon DVD, it's only right that we continue to treat you to more Eclipse goodness.

Our latest find from our not-obsessive-in-any-way trawling of the interweb is a scene that sees Edward and Bella discuss the consequences of her decision to become a vampire.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Five Reasons To Watch Doctor Who Series Five

The Geeky Girls braved the rain in Cardiff on Thursday night to walk the Tardis-blue carpet and get a first look at Matt Smith's debut episode of Doctor Who, The Eleventh Hour, and we're pleased to report that it was nothing short of spectacular. Smith's manic and magical turn as the 906-year-old Doctor; Karen Gillan's charming but ballsy new companion, and Steven Moffat's perfectly judged introductory script all combine to produce a satisfying and enjoyable series opener.

We could wax lyrical about the greatness of the new Doctor Who all day, but we'll keep it short and sweet with our top five reasons to tune in to the new series (BBC1 / HD: Sat 3 Apr).

1. Amelia Pond
Amelia, it doesn't take too much guessing, is Amy Pond. And while we don't want to give too much away about how the pair meet, we will say that from the off flame-haired Amelia is fearless, feisty and fun. She'll be brilliant this companion, if she lets go of her crush on the Doctor.

2. Moffat's Monsters
The first monster of the Moffat-era Whoniverse is the rather disappointing and unremarkable Multiform - an alien that can turn itself into anything (or anyone - remember that). But while in this first episode the monster is a simple and obvious plot device, the new trailer hints at much more weird and wonderful things to come from the mind of the Moff - once all the setting up and establishing stuff is done with. Weeping Angels, Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians and vampires are all on the way.

3. Adult Humour
There's no point in pretending that Doctor Who isn't intended for family viewing, but this regenerated show is happy to include the odd racy joke, innuendo, or pun in the hope that it'll go over the heads of its younger audience. From potential porn on a laptop and a cameo from a very frisky Sir Patrick Moore to a bit of semi-gratuitous (off-screen of course) nudity from the 11th Doctor, we hope that the fifth series is starting as it means to go on.

4. The Third Wheel
Amy Pond isn't the first companion to have a "sort of" boyfriend, and while there'll always be a place in our hearts for Mickey Smith we think Rory might take his mantle as the best third wheel in Doctor Who history. He's a nurse, he drives a mini, he's clearly clever, the Doctor doesn't find him attractive and he's known Amy since childhood - when she used to make him dress up as the Time Lord (not in a kinky way, that'd be obscene). Trust us, he's one to watch.

5. The Doctor
The Geeky Girls were devotees of Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant for their fine performances in the role, but Matt Smith has managed what many thought was impossible - he's made the part his own. As the Doctor, Matt is energetic, aggressive, manic and reckless. He brings a delightful energy and enthusiasm to the Time Lord that was so lacking in David Tennant's final few episodes. In short, he is the Doctor. We're a little bit in love with him. Can you tell?

Check out the sneak peek at the fifth series below for a glimpse at what's in store.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bryan Singer on new X-Men: First Class

Finally – the saviour returns! Bryan Singer (X-Men, The Usual Suspects) is coming back to the X-Men fold with a new prequel movie, X-Men: First Class.

X-Men: First Class focuses on the complex relationship between Charles Xavier/Professor X and Eric Lensherr/Magneto, back in the early days of setting up the Mutant Academy and the tipping point where their relationship was irrevocably altered.

Speaking to Los Angeles Times, Singer says “I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends -- to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies”.

Oh, we want so much more detail! After the frankly rubbish X-Men: The Last Stand and similarly disappointing (although visually stunning, Mr Jackman, take a bow) X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we are thrumming with anticipation! But for now we’ll just have to be patient - all good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weaver Signs For Vampire Rom-Com

We were somewhat cynical about the sound of Alicia Silverstone's upcoming horror rom-com, Vamps.

But now we hear that Avatar and Alien actress Sigourney Weaver has joined the cast, maybe it won't be so bad.


The comedy follows two vampirettes (Silverstone and Krysten Ritter) through the New York club scene where they fall in love with human boys, putting at risk their immortality.

Weaver will play badass, blood thirsty vampire queen Ciccerus, who is responsible for the young heroines' transformation into creatures of the night.

Written and directed by Amy Heckerling (Clueless), production on Vamps is expected to begin in April.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Eclipse Goodness!

With the recent release of both the Eclipse trailer and the New Moon DVD, Twilight fan frenzy has reached fever pitch again.

The latest thing us Geeky Girls have been getting excited about is this behind the scenes sneak peek from the aforementioned DVD. The fight scenes look like they're going to be amazing.

Two More Rumoured For Captain America

Chaning Tatum (Dear John) and Keira Knightly (Atonement) are the latest on the long list of actors linked to Marvel's planned Captain America movie.

Tatum has reportedly been approached to play the title role, joining Ryan Phillippe, Chris Evans, Mike Vogel and Garrett Hedlund as candidates.

Meanwhile, Brit actress Knightley is being considered to play the Captain's lady, Peggy. Alice Eve and Emily Blunt are also shortlisted.

In other Captain America news, word on the grapevine is that Hugo Weaving is in talks to take on the role of Captain America's archenemy, former Nazi officer Red Skull.

The First Avenger: Captain America will shoot in the UK this summer and is slated for release in July 2011.

Misfits Series Two Spoilers

Misfits boss Noward Overman has spilled a few beans about what's in store for the second series of E4's teen superhero drama.

The final episode of the fantastic first series saw Nathan finally discover his superpower - immortality - but found him stuck in a coffin.

Overman admitted that he's been paying attention to fan theories about how Nathan might escape his predicament. "There's been a lot of speculation online - some of it is right, and a lot of it is wrong," he told SFX.

The show boss also revealed that he will never explain how and why the Misfits teens were given their powers after the freak storm. "We'll never give an explanation, that's an absolute no no," he told SFX. "What possible explanation could I come up with? It would just be bulls**t, though if someone has got a scientific explanation they can email it to me - I haven't got a clue!"

You heard the man. Answers on a postcard...

Karen Gillan Reveals Doctor Who Romance

Say it ain't so Steven Moffat.

New Doctor Who companion Karen Gillan has revealed that there's a spark of romance between her character Amy Pond and Matt Smith's Doctor.

“There is kissing. It is fair to say she is attracted to the Doctor," the actress told Grazia magazine. "I don't think she's in love with him. She's not this love sick puppy following him around. It will pan out as you watch the series.

"She has a love for him, a really deep love for him. But not romantic.
Hmm... here's hoping that we won't have to sit through yet another Doctor-companion-the universe love triangle.

Karen has also revealed a little more about her character, explaining Amy's preference for teeny-tiny skirts.

"This Doctor is pretty good. As, I've said, is Amy. She gets to wear all these small skirts, which I will admit was very cold, but also very cool.

"They originally wanted to put me in trousers, but I did say I'd like to wear a skirt because - you'll understand when you watch it. Actually I think I love Amy. I'm in love with her. I want to be her.

"Amy's a sassy lady, funny and passionate, and her relationship with The Doctor has a really interesting dynamic."

Directors In Discussion For Breaking Dawn?

Rumour has it that Summit Entertainment have reached out to Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), Gus Van Sant (Milk) and Bill Condon (Gods And Monsters) about directing the fourth film in The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn.

Entertainment Weekly reports that the studio reached out to the critically acclaimed trio, but only Van Sant has confirmed discussions.

The news comes following Robert Pattinson's suggestion that Van Sant would be the ideal director for the saga's final installment. The actor told MTV last year: "It's all about teenage love and obsessions. I think Gus Van Sant would be great."

Formal offers will be made once screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg's outline has been submitted.

Downey Jr For Sci Fi Flick Gravity

Geeky Girls favourite Robert Downey Jr is looking at taking the lead in Alfonso CuarĂłn's upcoming 3D sci-fi movie Gravity.

Deadline reports that the Iron Man star will play the leader of a team housed on a remote space station. When the outpost is hit by a damaged satellite, the crew is killed leaving Downey Jr's character and a female astronaut stranded in space.

Downey was reportedly drawn to the chance to work with CuarĂłn, the director of Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban, Children Of Men and Y Tu Mama Tambien, and will shoot the film in London this summer, finishing in time to re-team with director Guy Ritchie and Jude Law in the Sherlock Holmes sequel in early autumn, also in London.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nolan "Excited" About New Superman Film

With a rumoured Justice League film and Batman and Superman films already confirmed, could Christopher Nolan be turning into the definitive superheroes director/producer?

Speaking to the LA Times, the British Hollywood favourite said of the new Superman film, “It’s very exciting, we have a fantastic story. And we feel we can do it right. We know the milieu, if you will; we know the genre and how to get it done right”.

And so he should. Nolan produced and directed the critically acclaimed “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight”, which when combined pulled in more than $1.3 billion globally. Since Nolan was approached to produce the new Superman film, internet speculation and gossip have been rife, but a tight lipped Nolan, wisely keeps his opinions to himself.

However Nolan did say this of his reported Superman script-writer, David Goyer (writer extraordinaire if we do say so ourselves; Blade, Batman Begins) “He basically told me, ‘I have this thought about how you would approach Superman. I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I’ve never seen before and it makes it incredibly exciting.”

Excellent. Nolan's excited, we're excited, are you excited? Reckon Nolan's stylised cinematography will mesh well with the Superman brand? Well if he can do it with Batman (especially after the Batman & Robin debacle)...

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Trailer In Full!!!

It's the moment Twi-hards have been waiting for. After what feels like MONTHS of waiting, we've finally got our first proper glimpse at the next film in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse.

And the Geeky Girls are VERY happy to report it looks amazing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 10 Second Trailer

Eeeeeeee! *Babble-Babble*
Eeeeeeee! *Excited whimpers and frenzied hand flapping* SSSSQQQUUUEEAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!

Damn, and we want to be oh-so-cool about this.  

We've been hunting around for this all day, and finally the promised 10 second teaser trailer of Eclipse has appeared.

Sadly, tease is about all the trailer does, featuring plenty of shots of both Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) looking longingly at Bella (Kristen Stewart).

The gratuitous shirtless shot of Taylor is an appreciated added bonus though!

Oh Our Geeky Godmothers – THANK YOU SUMMIT! 

Lost Boys Actor Corey Haim Found Dead

Sad news has reached us at Geeky Girl Towers. Corey Haim has been found dead.

TMZ reports that the actor died in the early hours of this morning of an apparently accidental drug overdose, according to Lost Angeles police. He was 38.

Reports claim that he was found unresponsive at his apartment and was pronounced dead at St Joseph's hospital in Burbank, California, shortly before 12 noon GMT.

The 80s teen idol was well known for starring alongside fellow actor Corey Feldman in several films, but is widely remembered for playing Sam in iconic 1987 vampire flick, The Lost Boys.

Check Out The New Tron Trailer

The Geeky Girls are a wee bit too young to remember the original Tron, but we're happy to report that this new trailer for Tron: Legacy should allay fan fears that the 2010 sequel will ruin a sci fi classic.

Not only does the film feature fancy special effects (in 3D, we might add) but Oscar winner Jeff 'The Dude' Bridges also appears, making this a must see in our book.

The film follows Sam Flynn (played by the delicious Garrett Hedlund) who finds himself pulled into a world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games while on the hunt for his father Kevin (Bridges). The pair then embark on a life-or-death journey in an attempt to escape the dangerous - but visually stunning - cyber world.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fantastic Voyage: Will Cameron Use Avatar effects?

The 1966 sci-fi movie Fantastic Voyage, is to be re-made this year by Roland Emmerich (who bought us 2012, 10,000 BC plus The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day) along with James Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment. 

You may not be too familiar with this title, but when we mention that the 80's remake of this movie was called Innerspace we think you will be quite excited indeed! Well, we were!  To those not particularly well-versed in '60s sci-fi, we'll remind you that Fantastic Voyage is about a team of scientists who climb inside a ship and get miniaturised so they can travel through the bloodstream of their dying colleague and save him from his deadly blood clot.

Now we're never too sure what to make of re-makes, think War of the Worlds, The Time Machine (eek!), Invasion of the Body Snatchers...the list goes on. However we're willing to give this a chance. We loved Innerspace and we love James Cameron - what could go wrong?

The Jonas Bros For Captain America? Noooooo!

Excuse us while we rant.

The latest geek gossip doing the rounds on the interweb suggests that Disney puppets the Jonas Brothers (well, two of 'em) could be in the running to star in the latest Marvel comic book adaptation, Captain America.

According to Hollywire, Joe (the pouty one) and Kevin (the tall one) Jonas have already read lines and are being considered for parts - including the lead.


Apparently Kevin was more natural, but more auditions need to take place before decisions are made.

My Best Friends' Girl actor Dane Cook also revealed he's up for the part via Twitter, while John Krasinski (The Office), Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl) and Mike Vogel (Cloverfield) are believed to be the remaining candidates for the role after Michael Cassidy and Scott Porter admitted that they were out of the running last week.

Casting the part badly could be disastrous for comic book fans everywhere, not to mention Disney who recently acquired the rights to the Marvel properties. What next? Miley Cyrus as Wonder Woman? Zac Effron as Spider-Man? Actually, that isn't such a bad idea.

Z-Fron (no?) has revealed that he'd love to don the red and blue lycra and take over from Tobey Maguire. The actor told MTV: "It would be a dream come true."

He continued: "I've got to be honest I don't know if it's a reality. I can't really say. I've been a fan of Spider-Man since I remember being six-years-old and tearing up in that comic book. I could never get enough. I think it would be an honour. I would tear it up."

'Course you would Zac.

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