Thursday, March 25, 2010

Milo Ventimiglia; Geeky Girls Man Of The Month

Oh you guys! We must somehow be transferring our fixations on to you, because you continuously choose our favourite hottie in the monthly poll and this time is no different – hello Mr Milo Ventimiglia!

Serious crushes on Milo have struck each and every Geeky Girl and we can’t deny that it was his rather luscious face as opposed to his acting prowess that first caught our attention. But don’t let this trivial fact deter from his rather impressive portfolio.

Until Heroes we must confess that we knew little (okay, nowt) about Milo, but it turns out he was a pretty big deal across the pond in the States. Popular for his role as the complex Jess in the Gilmor Girls, Ventimiglia had already worked extensively in both TV and film, appearing in Boston Public, American Dreams and the Opposite Sex.

However it was when NBCs Heroes hit our screens that Milo’s star really started to soar. Playing nurse, Peter Petrelli, Ventimiglia’s character discovers he is a hero, with the ability to mimic the power of anyone else with a supernatural gift.

Heroes has been a massive hit across the world, making Ventimiglia a household name (although most of us can’t pronounce it, but we’ll get to that in a bit).

As we mentioned, Ventimiglia has made the smooth transition into films. His biggest and most notable role to date was in the sixth and final Rocky Balboa film, playing the big guy’s son. Milo obsessives should check out Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson thriller Cursed and horror flick, Pathology.

So there we go – another month, another deserving man. Good picking GG bods. We salute you.

Random Milo Facts:
  • He has been a vegetarian since childhood
  • His favourite bands are The Strokes, The Deftones and a Tribe Called Quest (this author likes all these bands, so Milo, if you’re reading…? No? No.)
  • Milo isn’t just a pretty face, no siree, he co-owns production company Divide Pictures with best friend Russ Cundiff
  • In 2009 Milo was ranked #2 on DC's list of Hottest Comic Hunks, losing the #1 spot to Hugh Jackman
  • Milo is of Sicilian Italian descent on his father's side and a combination of Irish, English, Scottish, French, Cherokee and Blackfoot heritage on his mother's.
  • He’s uber t-total – no cigs, no booze
  • He starred in Fergie’s music video, Big Girls Don’t Cry (looks uber yummy too Milo fans)
  • And finally, if you have no freaking clue how to pronounce his surname (should you meet him, naturally), GG are here to the rescue: VEN (as in VENice)- TEE - ME - LIA (as in "LIAison")


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