Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hostility at New Doctor! But Don’t Worry, We’ll Adjust Say Researchers

According to internal BBC memos, the British public do not like change, especially when it comes to the good Doctor! But it’s okay Matt, take a deep breath, let it out and relax – you're not the first Doctor to go through this initial period of unrest.

Today the Beeb is publishing its extensive DW archives. The archives feature audience reactions to each new Doctor and they’re not exactly favourable!

When the first Doctor, William Hartnell, regenerated way back in ’66, audience opinion was not kind to his successor, Patrick Troughton. “Once a brilliant but eccentric scientist, he now comes over as a half-witted clown,” complained one viewer to the BBC’s Audience Research Department.

Another viewer grumbled: “I’m not sure that I really like his portrayal – I feel the part is exaggerated – whimsical even – I keep expecting him to take a great watch out of his pocket and mutter about being late like Alice’s White Rabbit.”

Jon Pertwee, Troughton’s predecessor, had a slightly better response, but a research report following his first appearance stated: “Reaction to this first episode of the new Dr Who series can hardly be described as enthusiastic.”

Even the most popular Doctor Who incarnation, Tom Baker, received a lukewarm  reception, with one viewer protesting, “General opinion was that the new Dr Who is a looney – he is an eccentric always, but the way it was presented made him stupid.”

Others hoped Pertwee would (somehow!) return: “My two boys aged four and six were distressed about the change of Dr Who. They were very excited by the episode, but hope the Doctor will change back again next week.”

Here at Geeky Girl HQ, we’ve not come across much negative press or fan blogging for the new Doctor or the revamped format and production team. But there has been criticism for Amy Pond’s (played by Karen Gillan) wardrobe!

One viewer complained: “"They've completely demeaned Doctor Who by replacing good episode stories with slutty girls."

But Karen Gillan defended the decision to dress in a mini skirt, saying: 'I tried on different things and when it came to the short skirts, I just thought it was right. I mean, look down most high streets and girls Amy's age wear that. It's not that weird."

Darn tooting!


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